All about GMAT

Any aspirant who is willing to pursue an MBA is familiar with the GMAT exam. Once you have resolved to appear for GMAT, you must have all the essential information about it. This article gives a complete overview of the newly introduced GMAT- Focus Edition exam and the latest changes in the exam pattern.
What is GMAT- Focus Edition ?
GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is an international-level entrance test accepted by more than 7,700 programs at over 2,400 business schools worldwide. It is developed and administered by the GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council). GMAT is accepted for admission into MBA and other master's degree programs and is one of the most preferred exams for people who aspire to pursue a master's degree abroad.
Almost 2 lakh candidates appear for the exam every year. It is held in 600+ test centers across 110+ countries worldwide. Alternatively, it can also be taken remotely proctored at home. Through GMAT, students also get personalized recommendations for the most suitable programmes.
How is GMAT Focus Edition Different from Its Previous Version?
The updated GMAT Focus Edition has changed the format, time, scoring, and features of the test. The goal is to improve the GMAT experience. The new test has three parts: Quantitative, Verbal, and Data Insights. Each part takes 45 minutes, making the test an hour shorter. Here's a table with section-wise breakup of the GMAT Focus edition :
GMAT-Focus Table

Section-wise Break-up of GMAT-Focus

Sl. No. Sections Number of questions Duration
1 Quantitative Reasoning 21 45
2 Verbal Reasoning 23 45
3 Data Insights 20 45
Total 64 2 hours 15 minutes
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GMAT test-takers can select the sectional order right before starting the exam. Every section is separately timed and has a different marking scheme. There is no penalty for incorrect answers in GMAT. Further, the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections display questions in a computer-adaptive manner, so you will only see the type of questions you previously answered correctly.
GMAT is scored in the range of 200-800 and is based on your performance in the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections. However, the scores of the other two sections do impact your admission to a B-school.
Syllabus for GMAT exam
GMAT follows a specified syllabus given by the official authorities. Here are the major topics that you ought to prepare for different sections of the exam:
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section
This section tests a range of Mathematical concepts, including Rates, Probability, Ratios, Number Properties, Arithmetic, Algebra, Exponents & Percentages. These problems are designed to assess a candidate's ability to analyze quantitative information & solve problems efficiently.
GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section
This section consists of two types of questions: Reading Comprehension (RC) & Critical Reasoning (CR). RC questions are based on 3-4 passages covering various topics, testing skills such as identifying main ideas, inferring conclusions & recognizing style and tone. CR questions comprise about half of the section & present short arguments. It requires test-takers to analyze, strengthen, weaken or draw conclusions from them.
GMAT Data Insights
This section blends Quantitative, Verbal & real-world Data Skills. It includes diverse question types: Data Sufficiency (evaluating statement sufficiency), Table Analysis (Excel-like tasks), Graphics Interpretation (graph reading), Two-Part Analysis (selecting two answers per question) & Multi-Source Reasoning (analyzing multiple data sources). This section challenges test-takers to interpret & apply complex information from various formats to solve intricate problems.
When is GMAT held?
GMAT is held throughout the year, and the aspirants can take the exam on their chosen date and time. The exam dates are released every six months, and you can go for your next attempt after a gap of 16 days. You can opt for a test center-based test or take it in remote proctored mode at home. GMAT is conducted at 600+ test centers across 110+ countries of the world.
Ideally, you should book or schedule your preferred exam date a few months before only. This will give you a wider choice of dates from which to select. At the same time, you must keep track of the application deadlines of your target B-schools and time your exam date accordingly. Further, you can also reschedule or cancel your exam.
Unlike most other entrance exams, you will get a confirmation letter for GMAT instead of an admit card.
Who can appear in GMAT?
GMAT can be taken by candidates of all nationalities and educational backgrounds. Also, no educational criterion is prescribed for appearing in the exam. GMAT is usually sought by students in their final year of graduation, graduates, and working professionals. However, there are certain restrictions regarding age criteria.
Generally, GMAC prescribes that you must be 18 or above to appear for the exam. However, candidates between 13 and 18 can also take the exam, provided they have a signed permission letter from their parent or legal guardian.
Further, specific provisions are extended to differently-abled candidates.
NOTE: Different B-schools have different eligibility criteria for admission to their respective courses. For instance, particular courses may require you to have completed graduation in the corresponding stream. Also, some courses are meant only for experienced professionals.
Did you know that in 1953, nine B-schools met with ETS (Educational Testing Service) to create what would later be renamed as GMAT? These schools were Rutgers, Harvard, Columbia, Chicago, Northwestern, Seton Hall, Washington University (St. Louis), Michigan, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Which Institutes accept GMAT scores?
GMAT scores are accepted for 7000+ programs across 2000+ B-schools worldwide. It is the most trusted and reliable academic predictor used by the top-ranked universities and institutes globally. Here is the list of top B-schools that utilize GMAT scores for shortlisting candidates for their MBA and other master's programs:
List of International Institutes
  • Stanford University
  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • University of British Columbia
  • Northwestern University (Kellogg)
  • Yale University
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of California
  • Booth - University of Chicago
  • London Business School
  • MIT Sloan
List of Indian Institutes
  • BITSoM, BITS School of Management, Mumbai
  • Indian School of Business (ISB)
  • Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad
  • Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Bangalore
  • Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta
  • Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore
  • XLRI, Jamshedpur
  • S.P.Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR)
  • Management Development Institute (MDI)
  • Institute of Management Technology (IMT)
  • Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
Admission Process of GMAT-accepting Institutes
The admission procedure of various B-schools differs slightly, as per their programs and related requirements. Usually, they consider your GMAT score, work experience, TOEFL/IELTS score, and application essays. In the case of application essays, candidates are expected to write effectively and creatively about notable achievements, professional experience, short-term and long-term goals, personal background, and motivations.
You can also submit recommendation letters from your previous academic institutions and workplaces. Depending on all these factors, the respective B-school will call you for the interview.
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ROI of Programmes offered by GMAT-accepting Institutes
GMAT is the best choice for management aspirants as the return on investment is quite high. Since an MBA course follows a hefty tuition fee, it is incumbent that you are well-acquainted with the reputation and career prospects of the program before opting for one. An MBA degree from a top-level B-school can help you land in the most competitive business sectors like the Wall Street finance industry or Silicon Valley tech companies.
Besides, there are three major types of programs offered in B-schools via GMAT: regular full-time MBA, part-time MBA, and executive MBA. Given below is a glimpse of placement statistics and salary packages bagged by management graduates of popular B-schools:
  • At ISB Hyderabad, the PGP batch of 2023 received 1195 offers, with the highest package being Rs. 72 LPA and the average being Rs 27.13 LPA. The income raise for the students before and after the program was more than 100%.
  • At IIM-A, PGPX batch 2022- 23 achieved the highest package of Rs. 82 LPA, and the average package stood at Rs 30 LPA.
  • For the Executive MBA programs at IIMs, the average placement package is mostly above Rs. 25 LPA.
  • The graduates of the topmost international B-schools are known to earn an average compensation of USD 172,265. It is important to remember that the exact remuneration of MBA grads is determined by the sector they enter into. For instance, those who work in the consulting sector have an average base salary of around USD152,500, and the ones working for the non-profit sector typically get USD 67,400-USD 85,100.
Preparation Tips for GMAT 2025
Before starting your GMAT preparation, you must have a proper study plan and strategy to follow up until your exam. The first step to beginning your preparation journey is to familiarize yourself well with the exam pattern and syllabus of GMAT. Generally, aspirants devote 3-6 months in GMAT preparation, depending upon their available time and regular schedule. Since the exam presents a high competition, you must stay focused and build your understanding of important areas. Given below are the expert tips to include in your study schedule for GMAT:
  • Read:To begin with, you must develop a regular habit of reading. This will greatly refine your knowledge and improve your comprehension skills. In the later stages, you should start working on your writing skills. A smart way is to read a particular issue-based article and write an analysis of it in 20-25 minutes. Thereafter, spend 5-10 minutes revising and polishing your essay.
  • Develop Conceptual Clarity: To gain speed and accuracy in mathematical questions, you need to be aware of the related formulas, tricks, and shortcuts. These questions entail the knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts like averages, percentages, ratio & proportions, etc.
  • For the verbal portion, you should learn about the standard conventions and rules of grammar, parts of speech, etc.
  • Practice: Lastly, your exam preparation is incomplete without a sufficient amount of practice. So, ensure that you practice different types of questions from all sections and also keep the time limit in mind.
Further, you can also use the study sources on the official site. GMAC authorities guide preparation plans, practice tests, and more.
FAQs Regarding GMAT 2025
  1. What is the validity of GMAT score?
  2. Your GMAT score is valid for up to five years, and you can access it at the official site for 10 years.
  3. What is the difficulty level of GMAT compared to CAT?
  4. The difficulty levels of both the exams are comparable. The mathematical part in CAT is tougher than that in GMAT, while the verbal part is more difficult in case of GMAT. However, both the exams require nearly the same amount of hard work.
  5. What is the ideal score in GMAT?
  6. Most top B-schools have a GMAT cut-off score between 710-740. So, you will need to target a score of 740+ to get into your dream B-school.
  7. Will I receive my score soon after taking the exam? And what scores will my report show?
  8. Soon after you complete your exam, you will get four of the five scores: Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning and the Total scores (based on the Quantitative and Verbal sections). You will have two minutes to accept or cancel these unofficial scores, after which your scores will be automatically canceled. At the test center, you will get a print-out of this score report before leaving the test center.
    The official score reports will be released in 7-20 business days. You will receive a notice by email when your official scores are available. Apart from the scores in your unofficial score report, the official report will include your AWA Score, GMAT percentile ranking, your personal information provided at registration, and scores from the previous GMAT exams you have given in the last five years.
  9. How do I connect with the GMAT-accepting B-schools?
  10. GMAC extends a Graduate Management Admission Search Service (GMASS) service to connect you to the respective B-schools worldwide. Nearly 500 institutions utilize this tool to review your background and help you explore their programs.
  11. What is the registration fee for GMAT?
  12. The application fee for GMAT varies from country to country. In India, the fee is US$275. An extra fee will be charged for rescheduling and additional score reports. If you have to cancel your application, you will be refunded a part of the fee.
  13. Do all IIMs accept GMAT?
  14. 16 IIMs accept GMAT scores for their programs.
  15. How much work experience is generally considered for admission to top B-schools?
  16. The Majority of the foreign B-schools require the candidate to have professional experience of 2-6 years. However, some of the Indian B-schools accept candidates of the fresher level, too.

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