GMAT Exam Pattern 2025

“The first step is to establish that something is possible, then probability will occur.” ~Elon Musk
If you have decided to take GMAT, the first step to acing it begins with understanding its exam pattern.As you know, the purpose of this exam is to check your suitability for the masters/MBA programs abroad. In GMAT, you will find questions drawn from areas that involve the basic knowledge of mathematics and English. So, it does not entail expertise in any particular field of study, which is why the exam attracts aspirants from varied educational backgrounds.
Here, you will get a complete overview of GMAT exam pattern and marking scheme.
GMAT Exam Pattern: Overview
GMAT is a computer-adaptive test consisting of four sections, based on both subjective and objective questions. There are a total of 64 questions to be solved in 2 hours 15 min.. Each section is individually timed and comprises a different number of questions. The following table shows the sectional breakup of GMAT exam pattern along with the marking criteria:
GMAT-Focus Table

Section-wise Break-up of GMAT-Focus

Sl. No. Sections Number of questions Duration
1 Quantitative Reasoning 21 45
2 Verbal Reasoning 23 45
3 Data Insights 20 45
Total 64 2 hours 15 minutes
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GMAT Exam Pattern: Key features
Although GMAT is perceived quite a tough nut to crack, yet it offers high flexibility to the test-takers with respect to certain features. These are:
Format of Exam
GMAT is computer-adaptive in nature, which means the difficulty level of the exam keeps modifying to adjust to your abilities. This way, your skills can be evaluated accurately as per your strengths and capabilities. However, it is only the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections that follow this structure. So, if you have answered a question correctly in verbal or quant, the next question will be more difficult, and if your answer is incorrect, the next question will be easier.
Order of Sections
GMAT gives you the choice to select the order of sections just before starting the exam. You will be presented with three options and given one minute to make the selection, after which the first option will be selected by default. The three choices are as follows:
  • Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative, Verbal
  • Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
  • Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, Analytical Writing Assessment
Negative Marking
Unlike most other management entrances, there is no penalty for incorrect answers in the GMAT exam pattern. Nevertheless, the tough questions carry more weightage than the easy ones.
Did you know: GMAT was computerized in 1997.
Scores & Cut-offs
GMAT scores lie in the range of 200-800, and most of the top B-schools set their cut-off around 700 or above. For instance, the GMAT cut-off of foreign B-schools like Stanford, Harvard, and Wharton is near about 720-740. The same goes for the Indian B-schools like ISB and XLRI. Note that the overall GMAT score does not take into account your scores in Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing Assessment. The scores of these sections may be individually considered by respective B-schools.
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Skills Tested in GMAT
GMAT follows a specified syllabus given by the official authorities. Here are the major topics that you ought to prepare for different sections of the exam:
GMAT Quantitative Reasoning Section
This section tests a range of Mathematical concepts, including Rates, Probability, Ratios, Number Properties, Arithmetic, Algebra, Exponents & Percentages. These problems are designed to assess a candidate's ability to analyze quantitative information & solve problems efficiently.
GMAT Verbal Reasoning Section
This section consists of two types of questions: Reading Comprehension (RC) & Critical Reasoning (CR). RC questions are based on 3-4 passages covering various topics, testing skills such as identifying main ideas, inferring conclusions & recognizing style and tone. CR questions comprise about half of the section & present short arguments. It requires test-takers to analyze, strengthen, weaken or draw conclusions from them.
GMAT Data Insights
This section blends Quantitative, Verbal & real-world Data Skills. It includes diverse question types: Data Sufficiency (evaluating statement sufficiency), Table Analysis (Excel-like tasks), Graphics Interpretation (graph reading), Two-Part Analysis (selecting two answers per question) & Multi-Source Reasoning (analyzing multiple data sources). This section challenges test-takers to interpret & apply complex information from various formats to solve intricate problems.
Now that you are well-informed about GMAT exam pattern, you must begin your preparation with a proper strategy.
About GMAT
GMAC develops and administers GMAT, which is taken by aspirants seeking admission to the top business schools. The exam not just helps the test-takers in finding the best opportunity but, also assists the B-schools in shortlisting the deserving candidates. Every year,more than 2 lakh candidates appear for GMAT across 100+ countries. The exam is held all around the year, and the candidates can choose to take the exam at a test centre or in remote-proctored mode.
GMAT scores are accepted for almost 7000 MBA and other Master degree programs across the world.

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