









Name of the Place Explanation
Aerodrome A place where airplanes are kept
Airport A place from which aircraft operate and often serves as a terminal
Apiary Where bees are kept
Aquarium Enclosure for keeping domestic fishes
Arsenal A place for storage of arms, weapons and military equipment
Bakery A place for baking or selling baked goods
Bar A counter at which food or especially alcoholic beverages are served
Barracks Where soldiers live
Bedsit Single rented room in a shared house, usually with a shared bathroom
Brewery Where wine is produced
Byre Where cows live
Cage Enclosure for keeping domestic birds / animals
Castle A large fortified building or set of buildings
Cattery Where cats live
Cemetery Where dead bodies are buried
Chippy Fish-and-chip shop
Church A building for Christian worship
Cloak Room Luggage storing place at a railway station
College An educational establishment which specializes in studies after school
Confectionary Where sweets etc. are prepared and sold
Convent Where nuns live
Coop / Run Where chicken lives
Cottage A small house, usually of only one story
Cove A small sheltered inlet or bay
Creche Day-care for children to be looked after
Crematorium Where dead bodies are cremated
Den Where bears live
Den Where lion lives
department store A store having separate sections for a wide variety of goods
Dispensary Out-patient department where medicines are dispensed
Distillery Place where liquor/ spirits / whiskey is produced
Dockyard Where ships are built
Drey Where squirrels live
Eyrie Bird of prey
Fire station Building housing fire apparatus and usually firefighters
fishmonger's A place where fish is kept and sold
Flat Apartment, small house to live in
Fold Where sheep live
Footpath Any path usable on foot
Form Where hare lives
Formicary Where ants live
Fortress / Tunnel Where mole lives
Garage Where cars / vehicles are kept
Granary Storage place for grains
Graveyard Where dead bodies are buried
Guest Annexe Special room for guests
Hatchery Where eggs / chickens are produced
Hive Where bees live
Hole Where fox live
Holt / Ledge Where Otter lives
Hosiery Where knitted wear is manufactured
Ironmonger Hardware shop
Kennel Where dogs live
Kiln Where bricks are baked
Lair Dwelling place of tigers
Lair / Den Where wolves life
Lodge Where beavers live
Loft The small space in the rafters of your house, attic
Mint Where coins are made
Monastery Where monks live
Mortuary Where dead bodies are kept temporarily (in hospitals)
Mound Where termites live
Museum An institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value.
Nest Where birds live
Nest Where snakes live
Office Place where a particular kind of business is done or a service is supplied
Palace Where kings live
Parking Place where cars and vehicles are kept for sometime.
Pen Where rabbits live
Pharmacy Where medicines are prepared
Police Station The headquarters of the police for a locality
post office A building where transmission of mail is handled
Pub An establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed
Resort A place that aids refuge or temporary stay especially for recreation
Restaurant A business establishment where meals or refreshments may be purchased
Roost / Cave Where bats live
Sett Where badger lives
Stable / Paddock Where Horses live
Station The place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain
Studio Where films are produced and processed
Sty Where pigs live
Tannery Where leather is processed and produced
Town hall A public building used for town-government offices and meetings
Treasury Where treasure ( wealth) is kept
Tuck Shop A candy store
University Place for higher studies
Vespiary Living place for wasp
Wardrobe An almirah where clothes are kept
Warehouse A structure or room for the storage of merchandise or commodities
Web Living place of a spider