Name of the Place |
Explanation |
Aerodrome |
A place where airplanes are kept |
Airport |
A place from which aircraft operate and often serves as a terminal |
Apiary |
Where bees are kept |
Aquarium |
Enclosure for keeping domestic fishes |
Arsenal |
A place for storage of arms, weapons and military equipment |
Bakery |
A place for baking or selling baked goods |
Bar |
A counter at which food or especially alcoholic beverages are served |
Barracks |
Where soldiers live |
Bedsit |
Single rented room in a shared house, usually with a shared bathroom |
Brewery |
Where wine is produced |
Byre |
Where cows live |
Cage |
Enclosure for keeping domestic birds / animals |
Castle |
A large fortified building or set of buildings |
Cattery |
Where cats live |
Cemetery |
Where dead bodies are buried |
Chippy |
Fish-and-chip shop |
Church |
A building for Christian worship |
Cloak Room |
Luggage storing place at a railway station |
College |
An educational establishment which specializes in studies after school |
Confectionary |
Where sweets etc. are prepared and sold |
Convent |
Where nuns live |
Coop / Run |
Where chicken lives |
Cottage |
A small house, usually of only one story |
Cove |
A small sheltered inlet or bay |
Creche |
Day-care for children to be looked after |
Crematorium |
Where dead bodies are cremated |
Den |
Where bears live |
Den |
Where lion lives |
department store |
A store having separate sections for a wide variety of goods |
Dispensary |
Out-patient department where medicines are dispensed |
Distillery |
Place where liquor/ spirits / whiskey is produced |
Dockyard |
Where ships are built |
Drey |
Where squirrels live |
Eyrie |
Bird of prey |
Fire station |
Building housing fire apparatus and usually firefighters |
fishmonger's |
A place where fish is kept and sold |
Flat |
Apartment, small house to live in |
Fold |
Where sheep live |
Footpath |
Any path usable on foot |
Form |
Where hare lives |
Formicary |
Where ants live |
Fortress / Tunnel |
Where mole lives |
Garage |
Where cars / vehicles are kept |
Granary |
Storage place for grains |
Graveyard |
Where dead bodies are buried |
Guest Annexe |
Special room for guests |
Hatchery |
Where eggs / chickens are produced |
Hive |
Where bees live |
Hole |
Where fox live |
Holt / Ledge |
Where Otter lives |
Hosiery |
Where knitted wear is manufactured |
Ironmonger |
Hardware shop |
Kennel |
Where dogs live |
Kiln |
Where bricks are baked |
Lair |
Dwelling place of tigers |
Lair / Den |
Where wolves life |
Lodge |
Where beavers live |
Loft |
The small space in the rafters of your house, attic |
Mint |
Where coins are made |
Monastery |
Where monks live |
Mortuary |
Where dead bodies are kept temporarily (in hospitals) |
Mound |
Where termites live |
Museum |
An institution devoted to the procurement, care, study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value. |
Nest |
Where birds live |
Nest |
Where snakes live |
Office |
Place where a particular kind of business is done or a service is supplied |
Palace |
Where kings live |
Parking |
Place where cars and vehicles are kept for sometime. |
Pen |
Where rabbits live |
Pharmacy |
Where medicines are prepared |
Police Station |
The headquarters of the police for a locality |
post office |
A building where transmission of mail is handled |
Pub |
An establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed |
Resort |
A place that aids refuge or temporary stay especially for recreation |
Restaurant |
A business establishment where meals or refreshments may be purchased |
Roost / Cave |
Where bats live |
Sett |
Where badger lives |
Stable / Paddock |
Where Horses live |
Station |
The place or position in which something or someone stands or is assigned to stand or remain |
Studio |
Where films are produced and processed |
Sty |
Where pigs live |
Tannery |
Where leather is processed and produced |
Town hall |
A public building used for town-government offices and meetings |
Where treasure ( wealth) is kept |
Tuck Shop |
A candy store |
University |
Place for higher studies |
Vespiary |
Living place for wasp |
Wardrobe |
An almirah where clothes are kept |
Warehouse |
A structure or room for the storage of merchandise or commodities |
Web |
Living place of a spider |