Q1. For the first time, the President made a Proclamation of Emergency under Article 352 in-
  1. 1952 2. 1962
  3. 1965 4. 1971
Q2. The members of the Council of Ministers are -
  1. appointed by the Prime Minister 2. appointed by the President on the recommendation
of the Parliament
  3. appointed by the President on the advice of the
Prime Minister
4. appointed by the President at his discretion.
Q3. The Constitution of India has provided for-
  1. single citizenship 2. multiple citizenship
  3. double citizenship 4. None of the above
Q4. Who was the first to discover the element Oxygen?
  1. Rutherford 2. Cavendish
  3. Priestley 4. Scheele
Q5. A person wears spectacles of power -2.0. He wears
  1. Diverging lenses because of long sight 2. Diverging lenses because of short sight
  3. Converging lenses because of short sight 4. Converging lenses because of long sight
Q6. The state of Hyderabad was founded by:
  1. Chin Qalich Khan 2. Nasir Jang
  3. Muzaffar Jan 4. Zulfiqar Khan
Q7. Echoes are heard when we shout in an empty hall. But when the hall is full of people no echoes are heard because
  1. echoes arc subdued in the voices of people 2. soft clothes of people absorb sound
  3. excessive reverberations take place 4. None of the above
Q8. Which were the two headquarters of the French East India Company on the eastern coast of India?
  1. Fort William and Arcot 2. Arcot and Karikal
  3. Chandernagore and Masulipatnam 4. Chandernagore and Pondicherry
Q9. The most important rabi crop is -
  1. Barley 2. Jute
  3. Wheat 4. Rice
Q10. A nuclear reactor is said to have become 'critical' when
  1. it comes of age 2. it starts emitting radio active radiation
  3. it is shut down 4. it is ready to produce controlled energy
Q11. The value of a vote of a member of Parliament for election of the President of India is determined by dividing the-
  1. total population of the country as per the latest
census by the number of Lok Sabha members.
2. population of country as per the latest census
by the total strength of the two houses of Parliament.
  3. the total value of votes of members of all the state
legislative assemblies by the elected members of
the two houses of Parliament.
4. none of the above.
Q12. Who captured Goa for the Portuguese in 1510?
  1. Albuquerque 2. Vasco-da-Gama
  3. Sir Thomas Roe 4. Duplex
Q13. A few showers of rain during the months of December and January are beneficial to the rabi crops because they -
  1. make the plants strong 2. protect the crops from frost
  3. cause fall in temperature 4. provide moisture for the germination of seeds
Q14. ‘India Brand Equity Fund’ was established in
  1. 1996 2. 1997
  3. 1999 4. 1992
Q15. Insider Trading is related to
  1. Share Market 2. Horse Racing
  3. Taxation 4. Public Expenditure
Q16. The celebrated Rumindai pillar of Ashoka marked the site where Gautam Buddha
  1. was born in 566 B.C. 2. attained the supreme knowledge and insight
  3. preached his first sermon 4. died at the age of eighty
Q17. The Ellora cave, in Maharashtra were built by
  1. Rashtrakuta 2. Chola
  3. Pallva 4. Pala
Q18. Arrange the following monuments in the chronological order of construction.
1. Qutab Minar 2. Taj Mahal 3. Pallva 4. Pala
  1. I, IV, III, II 2. II, III, I, IV
  3. III, IV, II, I 4. IV, I, II, III
Q19. The best specimen of the Mauryan art is represented in
  1. cave architecture 2. pillars
  3. stupas 4. chaityas
Q20. MRTP is related to
  1. Monopoly and Trade Restrictions 2. Inflation Control
  3. Transport Control 4. Foreign Exchange Regulations
Q21. Interest Rate Policy is a part of
  1. Fiscal Policy 2. Industrial Policy
  3. Monetary Policy 4. None of these
Q22. Which multipurpose project was taken up first of all after independence ?
  1. Bhakra Nangal Project 2. Damodar Valley Project
  3. Kosi Project 4. None of these
Q23. Which State is the "sugar bowl" of India ?
  1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Tamil Nadu 4. Andhra Pradesh
Q24. Vasco da Gama found out a new route to India and in 1498 reached
  1. Pulicat 2. Karikal
  3. Goa 4. Calicut
Q25. Name the Europeans whose missionary activities were more important than trade and commerce.
  1. Dutch 2. Portuguese
  3. Danes 4. Swedes
Q26. The English East India Company's first 'Presidency' in India was
  1. Madras 2. Masulipatnam
  3. Surat 4. Hughli
Q27. The Farakka project is mainly aimed towards -
  1. irrigating more land in West Bengal 2. utilizing maximum of Ganga water
  3. preserving the port of Calcutta 4. production of electricity
Q28. In which case did the Supreme Court give a ruling that the Preamble was a part of the Constitution ?
  1. Golak Nath case 2. Berubari case
  3. Keshavananda Bharati case 4. All the above cases
Q29. If the Vice-President wishes to resign from his office, he has to address his resignation to-
  1. the Speaker of Lok Sabha 2. the President
  3. the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha 4. none of the above
Q30. Which one of the following isnot a feature of a developing economy?
  1. High rate of unemployment 2. High rate of population growth
  3. High rate of capital formation 4. Widespread poverty
Q31. Economic development has been retarded in India mainly due to
  1. haphazard industrialization 2. westernised social attitudes
  3. poor infrastructural facilities 4. inefficient agrarian system
Q32. Which of the following is the cause of economic insecurity?
  1. Poverty 2. Unemployment
  3. Fall in real wages 4. All of the above
Q33. Who is the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of India ?
  1. the President 2. the Prime Minister
  3. the Union Defence Minister 4. none of the above
Q34. Which Committee was constituted in April 1993 to study and make recommendations on the question of industrial sickness and corporate restructuring?
  1. Goswami Committee 2. Chelliah Committee
  3. Raj Committee 4. Raman Committee
Q35. When did the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which sets out rules for world trade, come into force?
  1. 1948 2. 1951
  3. 1954 4. 1957
Q36. Who among the following foreigners was the first to visit India?
  1. Hiuen-Tsang 2. Megasthenese
  3. I-Tsing 4. Fahien
Q37. The phenomenon of mirages can be explained by
  1. Total internal reflection of light 2. Diffraction of light
  3. Refraction of light 4. Inversion of light
Q38. The part of the shadow which is neither totally dark nor totally bright is called
  1. Translucent 2. Transparent
  3. Umbra 4. Penumbra
Q39. Which of the following is the leading export item among Indian plantation crops?
  1. Coffee 2. Rubber
  3. Spices 4. Tea
Q40. Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman is a distinguished _______.
  1. Medical Scientist 2. Economist
  3. Author 4. Astrophysicist

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