Q1. Shivaji was born in
  1. Poona in the year 1615 2. Raigarh.in the year 1622
  3. Purandhar in the year 1607 4. Shivner in the year 1627
Q2. Of the various terms that are used to denote cities in ancient Indian literature, which is the earliest?
  1. Nagar 2. Nigama
  3. Pura 4. Mahanagar
Q3. Who presides over the meetings of the Council of  Ministers?
  1. the Prime Minister 2. the President
  3. Cabinet Secretary 4. Different ministers by rotation
Q4. Phloem
  1. Transports water mineral elements 2. Transports food material from leaves to the consumption /storage organs
  3. Helps in water evaporation 4. Gets nutritious nitrogen from soil
Q5. What is Rh in blood?
  1. Hormone in body 2. Antibody
  3. Antigen 4. Gene
Q6. Which one of the following revenue items was collected only in cash under the Mauryas?
  1. kara 2. bhaga
  3. hiranya 4. pranaya
Q7. Who among the following is the king of ancient India referred to by modern writers as "a monk in a King's garb"?
  1. Vikramaditya 2. Ashoka
  3. Bimbisara 4. Gautamiputra Satakarni
Q8. Indian citizenship is lost when -
  1. a person acquires a foreign citizenship 2. the person renounces the citizenship
  3. the government deprives a citizenship for some cause 4. in all the above cases
Q9. When a bill passed by the Parliament  is sent to the President, he can-
  1. return it for reconsideration 2. refuse to sign it
  3. amend the bill 4. consult the Speaker of Lok Sabha
Q10. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the Preamble was not a part of the Constitution?
  1. Berubari case 2. Golak Nath case
  3. Keshavananda Bharati case 4. None of the above
Q11. The Vice-President of India is-
  1. directly elected by the people. 2. elected by the same electoral college which elects the President.
  3. elected by the members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha at a joint sitting. 4. elected by members of Rajya Sabha alone.
Q12. Which is the largest state of India (area)?
  1. Uttar Pradesh 2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Karnataka 4. Rajasthan
Q13. Dronacharya Award is associated with
  1. Medicine 2. Literature
  3. Sports 4. Bravery
Q14. In which state are the Aravali Ranges situated ?
  1. Rajasthan 2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Orissa 4. Maharashtra
Q15. Where is the Maikal Range situated ?
  1. Rajasthan 2. Jammu and Kashmir
  3. Madhya Pradesh 4. Tamil Nadu
Q16. The Reserve Bank was nationalized in the year
  1. 1948 2. 1949
  3. 1950 4. 1969
Q17. Currency notes are printed in
  1. Private firms 2. Security Press, Nasik
  3. Govt. Mint 4. Public Authority
Q18. Whose signature is found on hundred-rupee currency notes ?
  1. The President of India 2. Finance Minister of India
  3. Finance Secretary, Ministry of Finance 4. Governor, Reserve Bank of India
Q19. Who is the author of the book India After Gandhi ?
  1. Vikram Chandra 2. Tushar Gandhi
  3. Ramachandra Guha 4. Rajmohan Gandhi
Q20. Which one of the following is the smallest state of India?
  1. Nagaland 2. Tripura
  3. Sikkim 4. Meghalaya
Q21. One rupee notes and coins are issued by the
  1. Finance Ministry 2. Reserve Bank of India
  3. Commerce Ministry 4. Nationalised Banks
Q22. SDR stands for
  1. Standard Depreciation Rate 2. Special Drawing Rights
  3. State-Bank’s Deposit Rate 4. Special Deposit Rate
Q23. Which of the following rivers flows through a rift valley?
  1. Ganga 2. Narmada
  3. Brahmaputra 4. Krishna
Q24. Which part of the islands in the Arabian Sea is known as Minicoy islands ?
  1. northern 2. Eastern
  3. southern 4. western
Q25. Can Parliament amend or modify any of the Fundamental Rights given in the Constitution?
  1. Parliament can do so only after a referendum 2. Parliament can amend them by special majority
  3. Parliament cannot amend any 4. Only the President can issue directions to amend them
Q26. What is minimum velocity required for a rocket to cross earth's orbit?
  1. 18 kms./second 2. 11.2 kms./second
  3. 21 kms./second 4. 35 kms./second
Q27. Which of the following successors of Shivaji approached the British government on many occasions to help them against the Peshwa?
  1. Ramaraja 2. Sahu II
  3. Pratap Singh 4. Shahji Appasaheb
Q28. Bharat Natyam is:
  1. A solo dance 2. A feminine dance
  3. Devotional in spirit 4. All the three above
Q29. Identify the correct order in which the following acted as Vice-Presidents of India-
  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain, R. Venkaiaraman, BD Jatti and GS Pathak 2. Dr. Zakir Hussain, GP Pathak, BD Jatti and R Venkataraman
  3. BD Jatti, Dr. Zakir Hussain, GS Pathak and R Venkataraman. 4. GS Pathak, BD Jatti, Dr. Zakir Hussain and R Venkataraman
Q30. For the enforcement of Fundamental Rights, the courts can issue-
  1. decree 2. an ordinance
  3. a writ 4. a notification
Q31. Which of the following cities will host 2012 Olympic Games?
  1. Paris 2. New York
  3. London 4. Madrid
Q32. Fiscal Policy is connected with-
  1. exports and imports 2. public revenue and expenditure
  3. issue of currency 4. population control
Q33. Which of the following is the largest single source of the Government's earning from tax revenue ?
  1. excise 2. customs
  3. corporation tax 4. income tax
Q34. Taxila was a famous site of
  1. Early Vedic art 2. Gandharaart
  3. Mauryan art 4. Gupta art
Q35. The structure of Qutab Minar was completed by
  1. Aram Shah 2. Qutubuddin Aibak
  3. Iltutmish 4. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
Q36. The metallic element present in haemoglobin is
  1. Magnesium 2. Sodium
  3. Iron 4. Zinc
Q37. The hormone that regulates the metabolism of sugars in the human body is
  1. Thyroxine 2. Estrone
  3. Insulin 4. Adrenalin
Q38. Which among the following was defeated by Ahmad Shah Abdali in the Third Battle of Panipat?
  1. Sikhs 2. Marathas
  3. Jats 4. Rajputs
Q39. When is perspiration maximum?
  1. when temperature is high and air is cool 2. when temperature is low and air is hot
  3. when temperature is low and air humid 4. when temperature is low and air is dry
Q40. Who is empowered to suspend the operation of Fundamental Rights ?
  1. Parliament 2. Supreme Court
  3. President 4. Prime Minister

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