DI table chart Practice Questions: Level 01

DIRECTIONS for questions 1-5: The following data gives year – wise outlay in lakhs of rupees in a certain 5-year plan (1980 - 85) of a state.
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Study the below table carefully and answer the following questions:
Years Transport & communication Education Housing Health Social Welfare
1980-81 56219 75493 13537 9596 1985
1981-82 71416 80691 15902 10135 2073
1982-83 73520 61218 16736 11000 3918
1983-84 75104 73117 17523 12038 4102
1984-85 80216 90376 19420 15946 10523
  1. Which year saw the maximum expenditure on Health, so far, out of the years given?
    A. 1984 - 85
    B. 1980 - 81
    C. 1981 - 82
    D. 1982 - 83
  2. Number of times, the outlay on Transport & communication was increased over preceding year was
    A. 3 times
    B. 7 times
    C. 5 times
    D. 4 times
  3. What was the percentage increase during 1982-83 over 1981-82 in Social Welfare outlay?
    A. 88.43%
    B. 90.13%
    C. 92.43%
    D. 89.00%
  4. What was the average total outlay on Housing during the plan period?
    A. Rs. 16623.6lakhs
    B. Rs. 22601lakh
    C. Rs. 20600lakhs
    D. None of these
  5. What is the approx ratio between outlays on Education and Health during 1982-83?
    A. 556:100
    B. 213:100
    C. 431:100
    D. 513:100
DIRECTIONS for questions 6-10: Study the following data table carefully and answer the questions given below:
Number of workers Working at Various Departments of  Bharat Petroleum
Year Exploration Department Health Department Maintenance Department Safety and Environment Department Finance Department
2003 150 25 50 45 75
2004 225 40 45 62 70
2005 450 65 30 90 73
2006 470 73 32 105 70
2007 500 80 35 132 74
2008 505 75 36 130 75
  1. Which year had the total number of workers equal to the total number of workers the factory had in the year 2007?
    A. 2008
    B. 2003
    C. 2006
    D. 2005
  2. Which department had the total employees equal to 228 during the years 2003 to 2008?
    A. Exploration
    B. Health
    C. Maintenance
    D. Safety and Environment
  3. Which year had the number of workers working in Finance department more than 20% of the total workers?
    A. 2003
    B. 2006
    C. 2005
    D. 2007
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  5. What was the ratio of workers working in Health department in 2004 to employees working in Safety and Environment department in 2007?
    A. 10:33
    B. 12:25
    C. 7:33
    D. 10:37
  6. What was the average number of workers working in exploration department during the years 2003 to 2008?
    A. 390
    B. 383
    C. 370
    D. 400
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