Bar Graph Questions: Level 01

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 - 5: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
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  1. If the Central Govt. desires to give funds for speedy electrification, which state will get 3rd rank in the order of priority?
    A. C
    B. B
    C. A
    D. None of these
    Answer: B
    The ranking as per percentage of villages which are not electrified is
    Rank I Rank II Rank III
    D E B
    It is obvious that to give aid for speedy electrification, state 'B' will get 3rd rank.
  2. Which state has three times the percentage of non- electrified villages in comparison to 'C' state?
    A. C
    B. F
    C. B
    D. None of these
    Answer: C
    Clearly, from the graph,% of non electrified villages of 'C' = 15%.
    % of non electrified villages of 'B' = 45% which is three times of C's %. Hence answer is option C.
  3. In case of State B, what percent of villages are electrified?
    A. 75%
    B. 15%
    C. 45%
    D. None of these
    Answer: D
    In case of State B, 45 % of villages are not electrified.
    % of electrified villages = (100 – 45) = 55%.
  4. How many states have atmost 40% or less non electrified villages?
    A. 5
    B. 3
    C. 4
    D. 6
    Answer: B
    For States F, A, C (i.e. 3 states), we have 40% or less non electrified villages.
  5. Which state has the minimum % of Non electrified villages?
    A. A
    B. B
    C. C
    D. D
    Answer: C
    Clearly from the graph, For State 'C' non electrified % is minimum.
DIRECTIONS for questions 6 to 10: Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below:
  1. What is the ratio of exports in years 1990-91 & 1992-93 together to the imports in the same year?
    A. 1.41
    B. 1.17
    C. 1.55
    D. 1.71
    Answer: B
    Sum of exports of 1990-91 and 1992-93 = 638 + 1661 = 2299
    Sum of exports of 1990-91 and 1992-93 = 824 + 1137 = 1961
    The required ratio = 2299 / 1961 = 1.17
  2. In which of the following years was the gap in the exports and imports the maximum?
    A. 1994-95
    B. 1992-93
    C. 1993-94
    D. 1990-91
    Answer: B
    Difference for 1994-1995 = 1658-1305 = 353
    Difference for 1992-1993 = 1661-1137 = 524
    Difference for 1993-1994 = 1538-1513 = 25
    Difference for 1990-1991 = 824-638 = 186
    In this case we can observe that 1992-1993, the gap in the exports and imports is maximum. Hence, answer is option B
  3. What is the ratio of years having above average imports to those having below average imports in the given period?
    A. 3:2
    B. 4:1
    C. 2:3
    D. 1:4
    Answer: C
    The average imports = (824+1014+1137+1513+1658)/5 = 1229.2
    The years 1990-91, 1991-92, and 1992-93 have below the average imports.
    The years 1993-94 and 1994-95 have above the average imports.
    Required Ratio = 2:3
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  5. Which of the following statements is true about the graph?
    A. There is a continuous rise in exports.
    B. From 1992-93, exports are below average.
    C. Till 1992-93, imports are below average.
    D. Total imports in the given period are more than the total exports.
    Answer: C
    The average imports = (824+1014+1137+1513+1658)/5 = 1229.2
    Till 1992-93, imports are below average. Thus statement (C) is true.
  6. The exports in 1993-94 are approximately how many percent more than the imports of 1991-92?
    A. 49%
    B. 51.6%
    C. 201%
    D. None of these
    Answer: B
    Exports is 1993-94 = 1538. Imports is 1991-92 = 1014. Required % = 100 x (1538 - 1014) / 1014 = 51.6 %. Hence, answer is option B