Q1. The size of the Council of Ministers-
  1. has been specified in the Constitution 2. is determined by the Prime Minister
  3. is determined by the President   4. is determined by the Parliament  
Q2. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of India was held on-
  1. 26 January, 1948 2. 16 August, 1947  
  3. 9 December 1946 4. 26 November 1947
Q3. The revival of the Vedas is attributed to –
  1. Ramakrishna Paramhansa 2. Swami Dayananda
  3. Swami Vivekananda 4. Ramanuja
Q4. One river flowing towards the west is the -
  1. Godavari 2. Kaveri
  3. Narmada 4. Krishna
Q5. Which state has the maximum length of roads?
  1. Madhya Pradesh 2. Uttar Pradesh
  3. Maharashtra 4. Punjab
Q6. Which of the following is   not an   effect of rotation of the earth?
  1. Formation of day and night 2. Flatness at poles and bulge at equator
  3. Apparent movement of sun, moon and stars 4. Change in seasons
Q7. Match the following:-
I. Copernicus           II. Edwin P. Hubble    III.  Abbe George Lemaitre
A. "Sun is centre of universe"                B. "Universe is expanding"         C. Big bang theory
  1. I-A, II-B, III-C 2. I-C, II-B, III-A
  3. I-B, II-C, III-A 4. I-C, II-A, III-B
Q8. Which of the following bodies is presided over by a non-member ?
  1. Rajya Sabha 2. Lok Sabha
  3. State legislative assembly 4. all the above
Q9. The maximum strength of the nominated members in both the houses of the Parliament can be
  1. 10 2. 12
  3. 14 4. 20
Q10. How may committees were set up by the Constituent Assembly for framing the Constitution of India ?
  1. 13 2. 9
  3. 17 4. 7
Q11. In Mughal paintings, one notices the adoption of the principle of foreshortening whereby near and distant people and things could be placed in perspective. This was due to the influence of
  1. British 2. Dutch
  3. Portuguese 4. Spanish
Q12. The Public Accounts Committee submits its report to-
  1. the Speaker of Lok Sabha 2. the comptroller and Auditor General
  3. the President of India 4. the Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
Q13. Who of the following was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha ?
  1. Hukum Singh 2. G.S. Dhillon
  3. G.V. Mavalankar 4. Ananthaswayanam Ayenger
Q14. There are Asteroids between
  1. Venus and Mars    2. Earth and Mars  
  3. Mars and Jupiter   4. Jupiter and Saturn  
Q15. In the troposphere, the temperature decreases 10°C with ascent of every………This is known as normal lapse rate.
  1. 200 m   2. 195 m  
  3. 175 m   4. 165 m  
Q16. The present stage of demographic transition in India marked by high birth rate and low death rate indicates:
  1. undeveloped primitive economy 2. partially industrialized economy
  3. agrarian economy with some development impulses 4. low income agrarian economy
Q17. Who represented India at the World Congress of Religions at Chicago in 1893 ?
  1. Dadabhai Naoroji   2. Swami Dayananda  
  3. Swami Vivekananda   4. Ramakrishna Paramahansa  
Q18. AGMARK is-
  1. a cooperative for egg production 2. regulated agricultural market
  3. fanners, cooperative 4. a quality guarantee stamp for commodities like egg, ghee, honey and so on-
Q19. Hari Prasad Chaurasia is an established
  1. Flute maestro 2. Sarod maestro
  3. Tabla maestro 4. Violin maestro
Q20. The contents of Allahabad Pillar inscription of Samudragupta were written by
  1. Vishakhadatta 2. Virsen
  3. Kalidas 4. Harisen
Q21. Sculptures of the Gandharn school reflect influence of the
  1. Greeks 2. Chinese
  3. Romans 4. Persians
Q22. An example of Chola architecture can be seen at
  1. Ellora   2. Mahabalipuram  
  3. Tanjore   4. Kanchipuram  
Q23. National income is arrived at by adding _______ to Net Domestic product-
  1. depreciation 2. net inflow from abroad  
  3. indirect taxes 4. subsidies
Q24. The product method of calculating National Income is otherwise known as-
  1. Value added method 2. Income method
  3. Expenditure method 4. Net Output method
Q25. The first country to establish trade relations with India was-
  1. Portugal 2. Holland
  3. France 4. England
Q26. The original aim of the East India Company was –
  1. colonization 2. trade
  3. exploitation of raw materials 4. so find a market for her manufactured goods.  
Q27. What was not known to the Harappan people?
  1. potter's wheel   2. fire  
  3. iron   4. wheat  
Q28. Optical fibre works on the principle of
  1. total internal reflection 2. refraction
  3. scattering 4. interference
Q29. The Harappan people disposed their dead through –
  1. cremation 2. burial
  3. leaving the body out in the open 4. throwing the body in rivers.
Q30. Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the concentration of jute in a small area in India?
  1. Availability of water and high atmospheric humidity 2. Comparatively flat topography
  3. Alluvial soil and abundance of cheap labour   4. Availability of capital
Q31. Sheep with quality wool are reared in -
  1. Jammu and Kashmir 2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Punjab   4. Nowhere in India
Q32. The Industrial Licensing Policy Inquiry Committee which submitted its report in 1969 is popularly known as the
  1. Dutt Committee   2. Boothalingam Committee  
  3. Raj Committee   4.  Rajamannar Committee 
Q33. When was the first Atom Bomb dropped on Japan?
  1. 1945   2. 1939  
  3. 1946   4. 1947
Q34. Sunrise industries include
  1. Computers 2. Biotechnology
  3. Telecommunications 4. All the above
Q35. Which of the following crops will be beneficial in Rajasthan if adequate water supply through rivers and wells is provided?
  1. Wheat 2. Rice
  3. Cotton 4. Maize
Q36. The great granary of the Harappan civilisation has been found at-
  1. Mohenjodaro 2. Harappa
  3. Ropar 4. Kalibangan
Q37. The excavations in the Indus Valley have pushed the antiquity of Indian history to-
  1. 5000 BC 2. 4000 BC
  3. 2500 BC 4. 1000 BC
Q38. Who described Indians as "hot tempered but honest"?
  1. Hieun Tsang 2. Megasthenes
  3. Fa-Hien 4. Nikitin
Q39. The First Five Year plan was finalised in
  1. March 1950 2. December 1950
  3. March 1951 4. December 1952
Q40. The concept of rolling plan was accepted in
  1. 1975 2. 1976
  3. 1977 4. 1978

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