Logical Reasoning: Solved Examples

  1. Tanuj is older than Eina. Chetan is older than Tanuj. Eina is older than Chetan. If the first 2 statements are true, the 3rd statement is
    A. True
    B. False
    C. Uncertain
  2. LOO, MON, NOM, OOL, ____
    A. POK
    B. HOL
    C. HOK
    D. JOI
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  3. FXGB, HXIB, JXKB, _____, NXOB
    A. OXPB
    B. KXMB
    C. LXLB
    D. LXMB
  4. DNN, FPP, HRR, _____, LVV
    A. GRR
    B. GSS
    C. JTT
    D. ITT
  5. Pens cost more than pencils.
    Pens cost less than eraser.
    Erasers cost more than pencils and pens.
    If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
    A. True
    B. False
    C. Uncertain
  1. Find the next number in the sequence: 30, 45, 90, 225, 675
    A. 1890
    B. 1745
    C. 1845
    D. 2362.5
  2. Find the next number in the sequence: 190, 94, 46, 22, 10, 4
    A. 1.5
    B. 1
    C. 0.5
    D. 2
  3. Find the next number in the sequence: 16, 30, 54, 88, 132…
    A. 186
    B. 188
    C. 190
    D. 206
  4. Find the next number in the sequence… 20, 38, 62, 92, 128…
    A. 164
    B. 184
    C. 204
    D. 170
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  5. Mayank walks faster than Gurjot.
    Lalit walks faster than Mayank.
    Gurjot walks faster than Lalit.
    If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
    A. True
    B. False
    C. Uncertain
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