Coding Decoding Practice Questions: Level 02

  1. In a certain code ‘RATIONAL’ is written as ‘TARNOILA’. How would ‘BRUTAL’ be written in that code?
    1. UBRTAL
    2. URBLAT
    3. UBRATL
    4. URBTAL
    5. None of these
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  3. In a certain code ‘PURPOSE’ is written as ‘UPPRSOE’. How would ‘WATER’ be written in that code?
    1. WATRE
    2. AWTRE
    3. AWETR
    4. WEATR
    5. TRWAE
  4. In a certain code ‘FORGIVE’ is written as ‘DPPHGWC’. How would ‘REQUEST’ be written in that code?
    1. PFOVCUR
    2. TFOVCRU
    3. POFCVUR
    4. TOFCVUR
    5. None of these
DIRECTIONS for questions 4 -8 : The word ‘CALM’ is written according to some code, using the same code the word ‘YEAR’ may be written as one of the five alternatives given for the question. Find the correct alternative.
  1. If CALM is written as HEOO , YEAR may be written as
    1. DHDS
    2. DTDH
    3. DDHT
    4. DIDT
    5. DHSR
  2. If CALM is written as XZON, YEAR may be written as
    1. BVZI
    2. BZVI
    3. BVIZ
    4. BVZJ
    5. BVNI
  1. If CALM is written as LKZB, YEAR may be written as
    1. BQDX
    2. QZNX
    3. QZDX
    4. QDBX
    5. QBXD
  2. If CALM is written as AYJK, YEAR may be written as
    1. WCYP
    2. WCXP
    3. CWXP
    4. PWXY
    5. WCYN
  3. If CALM written as ZDIP, YEAR may be written as
    1. ZXHV
    2. HVXZ
    3. VHXU
    4. VHWZ
    5. VHWY
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  4. In a certain code ‘EASIER’ is written as TGKUCG. How is CUTTER written in that code?
    1. TWVVGE
    2. TGWWVE
    3. TGVVWE
    4. TVGVWE
    5. TVVGWE
  5. If ‘MEANDER’ is coded as ‘4515459’, then ‘MATHEMATICS’ is coded as
    1. 6 7 2 5 0 6 2 3 0 7 6
    2. 4 1 2 8 5 4 1 2 9 3 1
    3. 4 5 0 3 8 4 0 1 8 5 4
    4. 5 7 1 5 9 4 1 3 9 5 5
    5. None of these
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