Series Alphabet Reasoning Practice Questions : Level 01

Q.1. _ _ xyx _ _ yx _ xy
1. xyyyx
2. xyyxy
3. yxxyy
4. yyxyx
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Sol : Option 2
The series is xy/xy/xy/xy/xy/xy. Thus the pattern 'xy' is repeated.
Q.2. FU, KP, PK, ?
1. UG
2. UF
3. GS
4. VR
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Sol : Option 2
F is sixth from the beginning of the alphabet & U is sixth from the end.
Similarly K is eleventh from the beginning & P is 11th from the end the same rule is followed in other pairs of the series.
Q.3. xy _ _ yxx _ _ xy _
1. xxxxx
2. xxyxx
3. xxyxy
4. yxxyy
Sol : Option 2
The series is xyx/xyx/xyx/xyx. Thus, the pattern 'xyx' is repeated.
Q.4. qsu ......... ceg , ikm , oqs
1. uwy
2. vya
3. wya
4. axy
Sol : Option 3
There is a gap of one letter in every letter of the group. Also, every second group of the series starts after a gap of 1 letter, i.e., after qsu, we get wya.
Q.5. x _ yx _ y _ zy _ z _ xz _
1. zzxyzy
2. zxxzyx
3. zzxxyy
4. zxzxxy
Sol : Option 3
The series is xzy/xzy/xzy/xzy/xzy. Thus, the pattern 'xzy' is repeated.
Q.6. APK, BQL, CRM, DSN, ......
1. TEO
2. ETO
3. EOT
4. TOE
Sol : Option 2
The first letter of every group is in alphabetical order, i.e. ABCDE Same is the case with II and III letters of the group. Such as PQRST and KLMNO
Q.7. x _ yx _ y _y _x _ y
1. xyxxy
2. xyyxy
3. xxyyx
4. yyxyy
Sol : Option 4
The series is xyy/xyy/xyy/xyy/xyy. Thus, the pattern 'xyy' is repeated.
1. QPR
2. PQR
3. RQP
4. None of these
Sol : Option 1
Each letter is at a gap of 4 alphabets from the previous i.e. B + 5 = G, A + 5 = F, C + 5 = H. Also, G + 5 = L, F + 5 = K, H + 5 = M.
Hence answer should be QPR
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Q9. _ xyy _ yy _ yyx _
1. yxyx
2. yyxy
3. xxyy
4. yxxy
Sol : Option 4
The series is yxy/yxy/yxy/yxy/yxy. Thus, the pattern 'yxy' is repeated.
Q10. BEH, HKN, ?
1. NOT
2. MOQ
3. NQT
4. WTO
Sol : Option 3
The first letter of every group is the last letter of the preceding group with a gap of two letters in every member of the group, i.e., after BEH we get HKN.
So, answer would be NQT i.e. 3rd option.
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