List of Idioms - 15

List of Idioms
Idiom 1: Sit through
Meaning of the Idiom: Stay till the end of something dull
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Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: We were bored and wanted to leave halfway through, but we sat through the match.
Incorrect Usage: We were bored and wanted to leave halfway through, but we sat throughout the match.

Idiom 2: Sit in for

Meaning of the Idiom: Take on someone's responsibilities while they are absent
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: His assistant is sitting in for him while he is away.
Incorrect Usage: His assistant is sitting for him while he is away.

Idiom 3: Sit out

Meaning of the Idiom: Not take part
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: He had to sit the game out because he was ill.
Incorrect Usage: He had to sit the game about because he was ill.
Idiom 4: Take something apart
Meaning of the Idiom: Separate something into parts
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: The engineer is taking apart the mobile so that he can fix it.
Incorrect Usage: The engineer is taking apart of the mobile so that he can fix it.
Idiom 5: Take Something down
Meaning of the Idiom: Separate a structure into parts
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: After the show was over, the workers took down the big stage.
Incorrect Usage: After the show was over, the workers took down into the big stage.
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