Confusing Words-10

Commonly Confused Words 
1. Corporal & Corporeal
Corporal means of the human body; bodily; physical.
Usage Example: In the Nazi concentration camps corporal punishment was common.
Corporeal means material; tangible.
Usage Example: Some countries still believe in giving corporeal lashes in public as punishment.
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2. Cue & Queue
Cue is a rod or "stick" used to propel or to move a ball in the game of pool or billiards. It also means a prompt or signal to do something.
Usage Example: Talented actors do not require any cues for their lines.
Queue is a line of people or vehicles waiting their turns.
Usage Example: We were made to stand in a queue before we could enter the stadium.
3. Currant & Current
Currant means a small red, black, or white berry that is often used in making jams and jellies.
Usage Example: The currants in the ice-cream added flavor to it.
Current means generally accepted; happening in the present time. It also means the swift flow or movement of water.
Usage Example: The body floated miles downstream because of the swift river current.
4. Dammed & Damned
Dammed means a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, especially one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river.
Usage Example: They dammed the stream to stop the enemies from entering their area.
Damned means condemned or doomed, especially to eternal punishment, complete; absolute; utter.
Usage Example: The play was a damned one right from the start.
5. Dangle & Tangle
Dangle means to hang loosely, especially with a jerking or swaying motion.
Usage Example: The ropes of the swing dangled in the breeze.
Tangle means to bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or inter-twisted threads, strands, or other like parts; snarl.
Usage Example: The vines and bushes were tangled with each other.
6. Debar & Disbar
Debar means to shut out or exclude from a place or condition.
Usage Example: Only members were allowed in the club and all others were debarred.
Disbar means to expel from the legal profession or from the bar of a particular court.
Usage Example: The court decided to disbar the senior lawyer from the court on grounds of misconduct
7. Deceased & Diseased
Deceased means no longer living; dead.
Usage Example: It is not proper to speak ill of the deceased.
Diseased means having or affected with disease.
Usage Example: She had indomitable courage in spite of being diseased.
8. Decent, Descent & Dissent
Decent means adequate; fair; passable, suitable; appropriate.
Usage Example: The sales data indicates a decent profit for the shopkeepers.
Descent means a downward inclination or slope, the act of descending.
Usage Example: They were delighted to see the lodge at the end of the sharp descent.
Dissent means to differ in sentiment or opinion, especially from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often followed by from).
Usage Example: The two member bench dissented with the proceedings.
9. Defendant & Plaintiff
Defendant means a person against whom an action or claim is brought in a court of law.
Usage Example: The judgment was given in favor of the defendant with costs by the jury.
Plaintiff means a person who brings suit in a court (opposed to defendant). 
Usage Example: The plaintiff was given three opportunities to prove his point.
10. Defer & Differ
Defer means to put off (action, consideration, etc.) to a future time.
Usage Example: He tried to defer his departure but eventually had to go for the sake of his livelihood.
Differ means to be unlike, dissimilar, or distinct in nature or qualities (often followed by from).
Usage Example: To differ from the opinion of others is a habit with some people.
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11. Defence & Defense
1. Both the words refer to the act of defending or resisting an attack. They are just different spellings of the same word. While 'defense' is used in American English, 'defence' is used in British English.
Other meanings of defence/defense are:
2. Military forces and resources of a country.
3. Counsel for the defendant in a lawsuit.
4. Players of a team who defend the goal.
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