Learn the important concepts and tricks to solve questions based on data comparison.
Views : 36750
Learn to solve the tricky DI sets based on pie charts. The answer key and explanations are given for the practice sets.
Views : 50049
Go through the given solved DI sets based on pie charts to understand the concept better.
Views : 297534
Go through the given solved examples on Data Comparison to understand the concept better.
Views : 26734
Solve the given practice questions based on Data Comparison. Also, the answer key and explanations have been provided
Views : 31789
Views : 11807
Learn the fundamental rules and tricks to solve questions based on Bar Graphs
Views : 37259
Go through the given solved examples based on bar graphs to understand the concept better.
Views : 253239
Solve the basic question sets based on bar graph. Also, the answer key and explanations are given for the same.
Views : 40447
Learn to solve the tricky question sets based on bar graph. The answer key and explanations are given for the practice sets.
Views : 49646
Solve the given questions based on bar graphs. Also, the answer key and explanations are given for the same.
Views : 162896
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