Calendar Practice Problems: Level 01

Q.1. The last day of a century cannot be:
A. Wednesday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Monday
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Q.2. What was the day on 16th July, 1776?
A. Saturday
B. Sunday
C. Monday
D. Tuesday
Q.3. If it was Tuesday on 3rd Jan, 2006. What was the day on Jan 3, 2010?
A. Saturday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Sunday
Q.4. What was the day on 15th August, 2010?
A. Saturday
B. Sunday
C. Monday
D. Tuesday
Q.5. If 13th March, 2005 was Wednesday, what was the day of the week on 13th March, 2004?
A. Rs. Monday
B. Rs. Wednesday
C. Rs. Friday
D. Rs. Tuesday
Q.6. January 1, 2007 was Monday. What was the day on Jan. 1, 2008?
A. Saturday
B. Friday
C. Tuesday
D. Monday
Q.7. If 7th Dec, 2007 was Friday. What day of the week was on 7th Dec, 2006?
A. Saturday
B. Thursday
C. Monday
D. Sunday
Q8. The calendar for the year 2007 is the same for the year
A. 2018
B. 2019
C. 2022
D. 2025
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Q9. What was the day on 16th August, 1947?
A. Tuesday
B. Monday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
Q10. On what dates of July 2003 did Sunday fall?
A. 5th,10th,24th,17th
B. 6th,13th,20th,27th
C. 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
D. 12th,7th,19th,28th
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