Word Groups - 37

Group 1: Words related to Food
Howsoever hard you may try; it is next to impossible to leave out food from our daily lives, schedules and discussions. As they say, 'food' is always on the table, and in the same way, we serve 20 words related to food here. Make sure you chew them well and ingrain them in your memory.
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  • Aliment: It can be defined as something that supports or nourishes life .i.e. food.
  • Bite: An act of biting .i.e. cutting into an edible item. Bite can also be defined as an amount of food taken into mouth at one time.
  • Board: Board in terms of food can be defined as a table that is meant for serving food. Also, board can also be defined as food being considered as whole .e.g. when we say boarding and lodging.
  • Chow: Slang used for to eat.
  • Comestible: Characteristic of food that makes it fit to be eaten. Comestible can also be used in place of edible.
  • Comfort food: Food that is prepared to give someone a sense of well being .i.e. is easy to eat and easy to digest. Also, it can be defined as that food, which has a nostalgic appeal to it.
  • Ambrosia: This is a word borrowed from Greek Mythology and refers the food of the gods. Mortals who ate this food became immortal supposedly.
  • Entree: The principal dish of a meal, the star attraction, the centerpiece around which chefs build the complete meal. There is a second meaning for 'entree'. It is as times used to refer to 'a dish served in formal dining immediately before the main course or between two principal courses.' or starters.
  • Fare: In simple words, fare is also called food or diet, which can either be cooked at home or can also be something that is traditionally eaten .e.g. traditional fare or home-cooked fare.
  • Grub: It is a slang often used for food.
  • Handout: food given free for charitable purposes.
  • Larder: It is the cool area where food is stored prior to use. Larder can also be used as a synonym for pantry or a cellar. Larders were in use when refrigerators were not in vogue.
  • Pabulum: Something that has been made to be bland; also it is a solution of nutrients prepared in such a way that it is perfect for absorption by the body.
  • Provender: In simple words it is food; also, it can be called as a dry food for domestic animals. It can also be used as a synonym for fare, grub, foodstuffs and eatables.
  • Provisions: A stock of food or needed materials made available for specific use, as by an expedition
  • Ration: Share or supply of food that is determined and supplied to a person; also, a supply of another commodity as dictated by availability. It can also be called a food allowance for one day.
  • Subsistence: the minimum amount of food necessary for survival; also, the equivalent in non-edible commodities
  • Sustenance: Something that maintains and supports survival/life; also, food and drink that can be a source of strength.
  • Viand: An item of food, particularly delicious one. In plural form, see provisions
  • Victuals: In simple words it is food that can be consumed by humans. See provisions; as victual, a verb synonymous with provision in the sense of supplying with provisions.
Group 2: Words related to Geography
Was Geography your favorite subject in school? In case it was, you would be familiar with most of the words in this word group. But in case Geography did not feature too high on your favorite subject list, chances are most of these words might have escaped you by now or might be new for you. Explore this list and see how good your knowledge of 'Geography-related' words is:
  • Analemma: A graduated scale shaped like a figure eight that indicates the daily declination of the sun.
  • Antipodes: Any two places or regions that are on diametrically opposite sides of the earth.
  • Azimuth: The angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard direction, as from north or south.
  • Bathymetric map: Geographic charts showing the relief of the seabed usually supplemented by notations of the depth. It is the basic tool for the study of the physical geography and the mapping of bodies of water.
  • Cartographer: An individual who makes charts or maps.
  • Compass rose: A graduated circle, usually marked in degrees, indicating directions north, south, east, and west, and inscribed on a chart; used for the calibration of compasses on crafts.
  • Elevation: Vertical distance to a point or object from sea level or some other datum.
  • Equator: The great circle around the earth, equally distant from the North and South poles, which divides the earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
  • Mercator Projection: An orthomorphic map projection on which parallels and meridians form a rectangular grid, scale being exaggerated with increasing distance from the equator.
  • Nautical chart: A graphic representation on a plane surface of a section of the earth's sea surface constructed to include known dangers and aids to navigation.
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  • Prime meridian: The meridian of longitude 0°, used as the origin for measurement of longitude.
  • Relied Map: Map depicting the configuration of the earth's surface, called the relief, by means of contours, form lines, hachures, shading, tinting, or relief models.
  • Topographic map: A large-scale map showing relief and man-made features of a portion of a land. surface distinguished by portrayal of position, relation, size, shape, and elevation of the features.
  • Topography: The study or detailed description of a surface, may be a land or water-bottom.
  • Tropics: All the land and water of the earth situated between the Tropic of Cancer at lat. 23 1-2°N and the Tropic of Capricorn at lat. 23 1-2°S.
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