Vocabulary forms an essential part of every competitive exam. Here is a compilation of first 1000 words that must be prepared by SSC, MBA entrance, and government exam aspirants. Spread over 25 lists of 40 words, these lists offer you a chance to learn the most common English words.
Each word in each list is accompanied with its meaning and followed by a usage example. The words are categorized on three levels: Level 1 (beginner), Level 2 (intermediate) and Level 3 (advanced). Go through the word lists and enhance your vocabulary skills.
Level-1: Let’s get warmed up
Decoy: To lure |
Lavish lifestyle, glittering jewels were all a mere decoy to make her accept the assignment. |
Deficiency: Lack or insufficiency |
Deficiency of Vitamin D leads to weak bones. |
Fraudulent: Deceitful |
Such fraudulent dealings may get you some money, but will make you lose a lot of sleep. |
Plight: Sad situation |
You can just imagine his plight: No family, no friends, no home and no money. |
Proximity: Nearness, closeness |
It is difficult to understand why the police could not hear his screams despite the fact that the police post and his house are in physical proximity of each other. |
Quarrelsome: inclined or ready to quarrel |
You can’t call someone quarrelsome just because they give reasons to support themselves |
Rehabilitate: To restore |
The army takes upon itself the task of rehabilitating its retired soldiers so that they continue to be useful, productive citizens for the country and themselves also. |
Terminal: Final |
A terminal test, unlike a house test, is quite important because the marks you obtain in it count a lot. |
Vocation: Career |
The parents wanted their son to become an engineer, but the son was more inclined towards taking up the vocation of a doctor. |
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Level-2: Let’s take it up a notch
Brevity: Conciseness |
Since the time available to you for making the speech is short, you will have to exercise brevity. |
Compendium: Brief, comprehensive summary |
The compendium of results, published by the agency, gave us fair indication of the detailed results to be expected in future. |
Elusive: Hard to catch |
The ever-elusive officer was hard to track; whenever I went to him, he was either busy with some meeting, or was having lunch or was out of station. |
Gait: Pace |
Sidha's beautiful gait during the catwalk on the stage was made even more so by the slight pauses she took in between. |
Kismet: Fate |
“All this is kismet, my dear son. And you can do hardly anything to erase what God has written for you,” the old man advised the restless young man. |
Opulent: Rich |
Such opulent lifestyle of a professedly simple and poor person is beyond explanation. |
Pseudonym: An assumed name |
To hide his real identity, Samuel Clemens adopted the pseudonym of Mark Twain, the name which appears in all his works. |
Rue: To regret |
He always rued the fact that due to family circumstances, he could not complete his education. |
Sparse: Meager |
As you move up the atmosphere, the oxygen available becomes increasingly sparse until you reach a point where it becomes practically impossible to breathe. |
Toilsome: Laborious |
Do not hate toilsome labor, or farm work, which were created by the God |
Transient: Temporary |
The current economic slowdown, the expert noted, was a transient phenomenon and was not bound to last forever. |
Woeful: Pitiful |
There is a woeful shortage of electricity supply against demand, which is zooming every day. |
Level-3: Time to be a master
Crescendo: Increase in loudness |
The song starts on low notes, slowly increases in intensity until it reaches a crescendo, at which point all the singers sing at the top of their voices. |
Deadbeat: A lazy person |
Such swiftness of action cannot be expected of a deadbeat like him. |
Dissonance: Discord, opposite of harmony |
The dissonance between Tarun’s and his wife Sandhya’s opinions over how to raise the kids often led to serious fight. |
Enfeeble: To debilitate |
India came out of the war not enfeebled, but strengthened. |
Jettison: Throw away |
The captain of the sinking boat decided to jettison some less desirable cargo to deal with the overload. |
Nestle: To press close to |
She nestled her head on her father’s shoulder and started weeping. |
Nettle: To irritate, annoy, or provoke. |
Her loud singing of television commercials soon began to nettle him. |
Obstinate: Stubborn |
Roni is such an obstinate girl that once she takes a particular stand, it is well nigh impossible to make her budge even an inch from it. |
Pejorative: Derogatory |
The defence minister's remark “such clothes are bound to invite lascivious eyes" was interpreted as pejorative to women by the women's organizations, who protested it strongly. |
Proclivity: Natural tendency |
Zulfi has a natural proclivity towards painting right from childhood given that the atmosphere at home revolved only and only around paintings. |
Prognosticate: Predict |
On the basis of these dismal financial results, even a layman can prognosticate the disaster this company is going to land up in. |
Proscribe: To condemn or forbid as harmful and unlawful, prohibit |
Himachal Pradesh has proscribed the use of polythene bags altogether to preserve environment. |
Subsistence: Means of support |
Though many people do business for a living in this region, most of them derive subsistence from agriculture |
Swelter: Oppressively hot |
By God! 15 cups of coffee a day and that too in such sweltering heat! |
Trenchant: Vigorously effective and articulate, sharply perceptive, keen |
His trenchant writing style, full of invectives and incisive remarks, never spared anyone. |
Vagabond: A bum |
Hounded out of his own country, Rousseau led the life of a vagabond, wandering here and there, in search of a place to live. |
Venerate: Revere |
Those venerating a particular God must remember that the other Gods, even if from other religions, are equally respectable. |
Waft: Blow gently |
One could smell the wafts of cookies let out by the soot rising from the chimneys. |
Wistful: Longing |
The widow's wistful remembrance of her shared past with her husband brought copious tears to her eyes. |
Vocabulary Preparation Series
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