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DIRECTIONS for the question: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

Power and possession have been central pursuits of modern civilization for a long time. They blocked out or distorted other features of the westernized renaissance (revival), which promised so much for humanity. What people have been and are still being taught to prize is money, success, control over the lives of others; acquisition of more and more objects.

Modern social, political and economic systems, whether capitalist, fascist or communist, reject in their working the basic principle that the free and creative unfoldment of every man, woman and child is the true measure of the worth of any society. Such unfoldment requires understanding and imagination, integrity, compassion and cooperation among people and harmony between the human species and the rest of nature.

Acquisitiveness and the pursuit of power have made modern man an aggressor against everything that is non human, an exploiter and oppressor of those who are poor, meek and unorganized. He has become a pathological type who hates and distrusts the world and suffers from both acute loneliness and false pride.

The need for a new renaissance is deeply felt by those sensitive and conscientious men and women who not only perceive the dimensions of the crisis of our age but who also realize that only through conscious and cooperative human effort will this crisis be met and probably even overcome.
The modern value systems encourage the importance of which of the following?
A) Craving for power and possessionwhich of the following?
B) Basic respect for all individualswhich of the following?
C) Spiritual development of an individualof the following?
Spirit of inquiry and knowledgehtml> of the following?
E) None of these

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WIN IBSAT 03 (2023)
WIN IBSAT 03 (2024)