Q1. The Anglo-Afghan relations in the 19th century were influenced by the fear of expansion towards India of-
  1. France 2. Russia
  3. Persia 4. Afghanistan
Q2. The French East India company was reconstituted sometime in the first half of 18th century. It adopted a new name known as:
  1. French Traders Company of the Indies 2. Indo French company
  3. Perpetual company of the Indies 4. None of the above
Q3. The dialect from which both Hindi and Urdu have arisen is –
  1. Kannada 2. Ahomiya
  3. Khari Boli 4. Mewati
Q4. Sun comprises of……………..% of the total matter of the Solar System
  1. 76% 2. 99%
  3. 99.86% 4. 100%
Q5. Which among the following indicates the calories required by a normal and generally healthy man per 24 hours?
  1. 1800 2. 1600
  3. 4500 4. 2500
Q6. Sun is a part of larger system of stars called Milky Way. It is a flat disc whose diameter is 100,000 light years and its thickness is 5,000 light years. The sun completes one revolution around the centre of Milky Way in
  1. 200 million years 2. 250 million years
  3. 300 million years 4. None of the above
Q7. The earliest extant (still standing) temples date from
  1. The Vedic period 2. The Maurya period
  3. The Gupta period 4. The Sunga period
Q8. Which of the following is not connected with Kushans?
  1. Mathura art 2. Gandhara art
  3. Ajanta paintings 4. Fourth Buddhist Council
Q9. Ajanta paintings depict scenes from the
  1. Ramayana 2. Mahabharta
  3. Jatakas 4. Upanishads
Q10. Manipuri, the classical dance of Manipur, is distinguished by slow and extremely graceful rhythm and made famous by:
  1. Travancore sisters 2. Vayajantimala
  3. Indrani Rehman 4. Zhaveri sisters
Q11. SMS is
  1. short messaging sequence 2. short messaging services
  3. short manageable service 4. short and medium services
Q12. Earth completes one rotation in 23 hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds. If we look at earth from outside, it is found to rotate from _____ to _____?
  1. West, East 2. Cast, West
  3. North, South 4. South, North
Q13. Pitt's India Act, which was meant to remove the defects of the Regulating Act, was passed in the year –
  1. 1781 AD 2. 1782 AD
  3. 1784 AD 4. 1786 AD
Q14. The tenure of the Vice-President is-
  1. co-terminus with that of the President 2. five years
  3. dependent on the will of the President 4. six years
Q15. Which Fundamental Right of the Indian Constitution prohibits traffic in human beings ?
  1. right to equality 2. right against exploitation
  3. right to freedom 4. none of the above
Q16. The Shiwaiiks stretch between-
  1. Indus and Sutlej 2. Potwar Basin and Teesta
  3. Sutlej and Kali 4. Sutlej and Teesta
Q17. The total area covered by the Himalayas is about-
  1. 6,00,000 sq. km 2. 1,00,000 sq. km
  3. 4,00,000 sq, km 4. 5,00,000 sq. km
Q18. Which among the following States supports the maximum percentage of tribal population?
  1. Madhya Pradesh 2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Sikkim 4. Nagaland
Q19. The Bhils and the Kols live -
  1. along the Vindhya ranges 2. in the Nilgiris
  3. in the North-East frontiers of India 4. all over India
Q20. The balance of trade is also known as
  1. capital transfers 2. gain from trade
  3. the visible balance 4. all the above
Q21. India’s one rupee coin is
  1. a token coin 2. convertible currency
  3. unlimited legal tender 4. unlimited legal tender and a token coin
Q22. Inflation is caused by
  1. increase in money supply 2. increase in production
  3. decrease in production 4. both 1 and 3
Q23. “Fiat Money” is that which is
  1. accepted by overseas banks only 2. decreed as money by the government
  3. accepted temporarily in lieu of gold 4. backed by gold and silver
Q24. A “hot money” or the “refugee capital” is one which
  1. is transferred from one centre to another for greater safety 2. is earned by a refugee
  3. deposited by a refugee who is taking refuge in the country 4.  given loan for a single day.
Q25. The indigenous people _____ live in the Andaman Islands:
  1. Todas 2. Onge
  3. Gonda 4. Lepcha
Q26. Tribal settlements in India are usually concentrated -
  1. on the plains 2. near big rivers
  3. in the hilly and forested areas 4. on the periphery of townships
Q27. The President made a Proclamation of Emergency on grounds of internal disturbances for the first time in-
  1. 1962 2.  1965
  3. 1975 4. none of the above
Q28. Harshavardhana was defeated by-
  1. Bhaskaravarman of Kamrup 2. Devagupta of Malwa
  3. Pulakesin II of the Chalukya dynasty 4. Sanaka of Gauda
Q29. Which one of the following was an important port of the eastern coast during the Gupta period ?
  1. Broach 2. Sopara
  3. Tamralipti 4. Kalyan
Q30. Only three Vedas were considered canonical. Point the odd one out :-
  1. Rigveda 2. Atharva Veda
  3. Sama Veda 4. Yajurveda
Q31. Which ruler of Magadh was a contemporary of Buddha ?
  1. Chandragupta Maurya 2. Ajat Shatru
  3. Bimbisara 4. Mahapadma Nanda
Q32. The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to-
  1. the President of India 2. the Parliament
  3. the Prime Minister 4. the Rajya Sabha
Q33. Decentralised planning on the basis of Panchayati Raj institutions was recommended by-
  1. Balwantray Mehta Committee 2. Mahalanobis Committee
  3. Asoka Mehta Committee 4. Gadgil Committee
Q34. Which of the following princely states was annexed by the British –
  1. Gwalior 2. Hyderabad
  3. Sind 4. Baroda
Q35. Iron and steel industry is
  1. auxiliary industry 2. basic industry
  3. light industry 4. None of these
Q36. Which of the following is the capital of Lakshadweep?
  1. Silvassa 2. Daman
  3. Kavaratti 4. Hubli
Q37. Small scale industries in India are not characterized by
  1. low capital-labour ratto 2. high output-capital ratio
  3. equitable distribution of income 4. absence of problem of sickness
Q38. Who was the first Indian to be awarded Nobel Prize?
  1. C.V. Raman 2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Amartya Sen 4. Rabindranath Tagore
Q39. In India, how is the trend of urbanization illustrated ?
  1. Urbanization of many villages 2. Employment opportunities in cities increasing
  3. Cities increasing in size at the cost of small towns 4. None: of the above
Q40. The Moplas are to be found in-
  1. Manipur 2. Assam
  3. Kerala 4. Andhra Pradesh

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