A good vocabulary is crucial to acing Verbal section in GRE, CAT, SAT and other such exams. In this series of articles, we have compiled 1000 words that frequently feature in competitive exams.Spread over 25 lists of 40 words, these lists offer you a chance to learn the most essential English words.
Each word in the list is accompanied with its meaning and followed by a usage example. The words are categorized on three levels: 1, 2 and 3, according to the degree of difficulty. Go through the word lists and strengthen your vocabulary database.
Level 1: Let’s get warmed up
Belated: After the expected or usual time; delayed |
She sent him a belated birthday present. |
Calligraphy: Beautiful handwriting |
Calligraphy is an ancient art which should be preserved. |
Facet: A distinct feature or element in a problem |
There are several facets to this question. |
Fatal: Bringing death |
She had suffered a fatal heart attack. |
Stagnant: Not circulating or flowing |
Mosquitoes have been thriving in stagnant waters on building sites. |
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Level 2: Let’s take it up a notch
Abet: Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing |
To abet someone in a crime wilfully is as good as doing the deed yourself. |
Attrition: Erosion by friction, a gradual decrease in numbers. |
Employee attrition is one of the biggest challenges faced by software companies. |
Blitz: An intense campaign. |
A media blitz focused on young voters. |
Calibre: A degree or grade of excellence or worth |
The new young employee is a sales executive of low calibre. |
Capitulate: Surrender under agreed conditions |
The club eventually capitulated and gave equal rights to women. |
Jurisprudence: The branch of philosophy concerned with the law and the principles that lead courts to make the decisions they do |
Jurisprudence is one of the fundamental virtues upon which the society operates. |
Laggard: Someone who takes more time than necessary |
Laggards at the work place are generally subjected to ridicule. |
Passé: Out of fashion |
Her clothes were new but passé. |
Stigmatize: To accuse or condemn |
She was stigmatized by the society because her parents were unknown. |
Tacit: Implied by or inferred from actions or statements |
Management has given its tacit approval to the plan for renovation. |
Level 3: Time to be a master
Abattoir: A building where animals are butchered |
Abattoirs are not places where kids should be taken. |
Abject: Most unfortunate or miserable |
The beggars lived in abject poverty. |
Ablution: A washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of a religious rite. |
A lot of devotees take an ablution in the Ganges. |
Acclivity: An upward slope or grade (as in a road) |
The acclivity of the mountain made it impossible to climb. |
Audacity: Fearless daring |
He had the audacity to look at his watch while I was talking. |
Babble: Utter meaningless sounds |
The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention. |
Barefaced: Without disguise; unconcealed. |
Eve-teasers are barefaced individuals who should be put behind bars. |
Chicanery: The use of tricks to deceive someone |
The trial revealed a world of crime, corruption and chicanery. |
Cubbyhole: A small compartment |
Pigeons reside in cubbyholes on the side of buildings. |
Declivity: A downward slope or bend |
He slipped down the mountain as the declivity was too hard to manage. |
Decrepit: Worn and broken down by hard use |
The film was shot in a decrepit police station. |
Dissident: Disagreeing, especially with a majority |
Dissidents are found all too often in politics. |
Docile: Easily handled or managed |
They were docile, obedient children. |
Domineering: Exercise power over someone in cruel manner. |
Domineering characters can be hard to bear. |
Foist: To force onto another |
He foisted his work on me. |
Gavel: A small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge |
The judge pounded his gavel to bring order to the proceedings. |
Immure: Imprison |
The con-man was immured for life. |
Impasse: A situation in which no progress can be made |
The government finds itself in a state of impasse with respect of the Lokpal issue. |
Imperturbable: marked by extreme calm and composure |
He was cool, aloof and imperturbable in all circumstances. |
Maculate: Spotted or blotched |
Cheetahs are maculates with black spots on their skin. |
Procrastinate: Postpone or delay needlessly |
He procrastinated the matter until it was almost too late to help anyone. |
Retort: Answer back |
His sharp retort made an impact. |
Scrawny: Being very thin |
She has a long scrawny neck. |
Tantalize: Harass with persistent criticism or carping |
He would tantalize the dog with food. |
Vacillate: Move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern |
She is vacillating over whether or not to marry him. |
Vocabulary Preparation Series
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