Group 1: Words related to the sentiment of peace, calm and serenity
At times, we are simply in search of some form of peace or calm. In this theme, we explore a set of words that are based on the theme of peace, calm and serenity.
Explore them here:
- Serene: Calm, undisturbed, comfortable.
- Tranquil: Quiet, peaceful, amicable.
- Sedate: Characterized by dignity and propriety.
- Solemn: Quiet, dignified, earnest.
- Stable: Balanced, calm durable.
- Placid: Calm, mild, easy-going.
- Unagitated: Not physically disturbed or set in motion
Group 2: Words that are related to the sentiment of ending or finishing something
In this word group, we explore a set of words that signify the concluding parts of an event or occurrence. This theme is all about eliminating and ending something.
Explore this set of words:
- Expunge: To destroy, obliterate, abolish.
- Efface: Remove completely from recognition or memory.
- Obliterate: To get rid of by destroying completely.
- Abrogate: To eliminate completely.
- Extinguish: Douse, quench, and smother.
- Eradicate: Destroy, remove, abolish.
- Dispose of: Throwaway, destroy, discard.
The two clusters above showcase how the method of cluster formation can be used for expanding your word-power. Use this method and your vocabulary database will surely grow exponentially.
Vocabulary Preparation Series
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