List of Idioms - 3

List of Idioms

Idiom 1: Attribute to: The correct usage for the idiom is: 'attribute to' 
Meaning of the Idiom: When we attribute something (A) to someone (B), we are saying that we think person B has the quality or skill or talent of A;

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Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: I attribute my success to hard work. 
Incorrect Usage: I attribute my success for/by hard work.

Idiom 2: Conform to: The correct usage for the idiom is: 'conform to' 
Meaning of the Idiom: To agree to

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: You are required to conform to the norms of the agreement.
Incorrect Usage: You are required to conform with the norms of the agreement.

Idiom 3: Contribute to: The correct usage for the idiom is: 'contribute to'

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: George Bernard Shaw had contributed significantly to the world of poetry.
Incorrect Usage: George Bernard Shaw had contributed significantly for the world of poetry.

Idiom 4: Compared to: The correct usage for the idiom is: 'compare to'

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: Compared to Raman, Raj is taller.
Incorrect Usage: Compared for/by Raman, Raj is taller.

Idiom 5: In contrast to: The correct usage for the idiom is: 'in contrast to'
Meaning of the Idiom: to exhibit unlikeness on comparison with something else; form a contrast

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: In sharp contrast to the surrounding plains the climate is sub-humid, especially in the higher Himalayan region.
Incorrect Usage: In sharp contrast from the surrounding plains the climate is sub-humid, especially in the higher Himalayan region.

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