List of Idioms
Idiom 1: Both x and y
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'both x and y'.
Meaning of the Idiom: all, not leaving anyone out
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: Both Tim and Harry are going for vacation.
Incorrect Usage: Both Tim, Harry are going for vacation.
Idiom 2: Capable of
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'capable of'
Meaning of the Idiom: manage to do something
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: He is capable of working hard in odd circumstances.
Incorrect Usage: He is capable to work hard in odd circumstances.
Idiom 3: Care for/ care about
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'care for/ care about'
Meaning of the Idiom: to hold someone or something dear
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: Jim cares for his brother.
Incorrect Usage: Jim cares his brother.
Idiom 4: Centers on
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'centers on'
Meaning of the Idiom: to focus on someone or something in particular
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: The presentation centers on the use of modern technology.
Incorrect Usage: The presentation centers to the use of modern technology.
Idiom 5: Choose as
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'choose as'
Meaning of the Idiom: select
Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: I choose him as my attorney.
Incorrect Usage: I choose him my attorney.
Make sure you revise these articles every now and then so that you do not forget what you learn. Frequent use of idioms expands your word power and will surely help to grow your vocabulary database exponentially.
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Vocabulary Preparation Series