List of Idioms - 21

List of Idioms

Idiom 1: Escape from
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'escape from'
Meaning of the Idiom: run away from

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Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: He escaped from the mental asylum.
Incorrect Usage: He escaped off the mental asylum.

Idiom 2: Escape notice
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'escape notice'
Meaning of the Idiom: To go unnoticed

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: My previous request seems to have escaped your notice.
Incorrect Usage: My previous request seems to have not come into your notice.

Idiom 3: Essential to
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'essential to'
Meaning of the Idiom: Important for

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: Water is essential to our existence.
Incorrect Usage: Water is essential for our existence.

Idiom 4: Estimated to be
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'estimated to be'
Meaning of the Idiom: the approximate cost of something

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: The cost of the project is estimated to be quite a lot.
Incorrect Usage: The cost of the project is estimated at quite a lot.

Idiom 5: Estimated at
The correct usage for the idiom is: 'estimated at'
Meaning of the Idiom: used to denote the place where the estimation was done

Have a look at the correct and incorrect usage examples:
Correct Usage: The costs involved in the projected were estimated at the company's headquarters.
Incorrect Usage: The costs involved in the projected were estimated in the company's headquarters.

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