List of Confusing Words
- Afflict and Inflict
Afflict means give pain or grief to
Inflict means impose something unpleasant on
- Allude and Elude
Allude means refer to in an indirect way
Elude means escape from, especially by cleverness
- Blatant and Flagrant
Blatant means glaringly obvious
Flagrant means openly outrageous and offensive
- Bazaar and Bizarre
Bazaar means a Middle Eastern Marketc
Bizarre means strange
- Berth and Birth
Berth means a bunk in a ship, train, etc.
Birth means the emergence of a baby from the womb
- Born and Borne
Born means having started life
Borne means to carry/transport
Borne is the past particle of 'bear'
- Complacent and Complaisant
Complacent means self-satisfied
Complaisant means willing to please
- Coarse and Course
Coarse means rough
Course means a direction; a school subject; part of a meal
- Desert and Dessert
Desert means dry or lifeless region
Dessert means sweet food served after a main course
- Dual and Duel
Dual means having two parts
Duel means a fight or contest between two people
- Envelop and Envelope
Envelop means to cover or surround
Envelope means a paper container for a letter
- Flaunt and Flout
Flaunt means show off; boast; brandish
Flout means defy; disregard; spurn
- Flounder and Founder
Flounder means falter, struggle or make mistakes
Founder means sink; break down or fail
- Lightening and Lightning
Lightening means becoming less dark
Lightning means electrical discharge in the sky
- Pour and Pore
Pour means to flow or cause to flow
Pore means a tiny opening; to study something closely
- Sceptic and Septic
Sceptic means a person inclined to doubt
Septic means infected with bacteria
- Tortuous and Torturous
Tortuous means full of twists; complex
Torturous means full of pain or suffering
- Venal and Venial
Venal means easily bribed; mercenary; corrupt
Venial means easily forgiven; pertaining to a minor sin
- Yoke and Yolk
Yoke means a wooden crosspiece for harnessing a pair of oxen
Yolk means the yellow centre of an egg
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Vocabulary Preparation Series