Confusing Words-17

Commonly Confused Words
1. Elemental & Elementary
Elemental means starkly simple, primitive, or basic.
Usage Example: They follow only the elemental rules of worship.
Elementary means pertaining to or dealing with elements, rudiments, or first principles.
Usage Example: He found it difficult to go beyond the elementary rules of grammar.
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2. Emulate & Imitate
Emulate means to attempt to equal or surpass, especially by imitation.
Usage Example: The youth are in dire need to emulate the great men of this country.
Imitate means to follow or endeavor to follow as a model or example.
Usage Example: Their dance step is intended to imitate the dance of a peacock in the rain.
3. Fable & Foible
Fable is a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events.
Usage Example: The fable emphasizes that the level of water in the pitcher was too low for the crow to have a drink.
Foible means a behavioural attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual. 
Usage Example: Dishonesty is a foible that she detests in others.
4. Facet & Faucet
Facet means a distinct feature or element in a problem. 
Usage Example: The perfectly cut facets of the diamond shone in the sunlight
Faucet means a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir. 
Usage Example: As soon as she turned the faucet on, the hot water scalded her hands.
5. Facetious & Fictitious
Facetious means cleverly amusing in tone.
Usage Example: His facetious remarks in front of the police officer landed him in trouble.
Fictitious means Formed or conceived by the imagination.
Usage Example: Many authors prefer to write under a fictitious name.
6. Facilitate & Felicitate
Facilitate means make easier.
Usage Example: The teacher facilitated the work of the students by providing extra notes.
Felicitate means express congratulations.
Usage Example: The newly wedded couple received felicitations from all their friends and family.
7. Fail & Flail
Fail means 
1. To fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved
Usage Example: He failed to reach airport in time for the flight.
2. To receive less than the passing grade or mark in an examination, class, or course of study.
Usage Example: He failed in two subjects.
3. To dwindle, pass, or die away.
Usage Example: The crop failed due to lack of rain.
Flail means to move like a flail; thresh about.
Usage Example: Stranded on the highway, he flailed his arms around to stop a vehicle.
8. Fain & Feign
Fain means gladly; willingly.
Usage Example: He would fain stay at home with the kids than go shopping.
Feign means make believe with the intent to deceive.
Usage Example: He could not feign ignorance on being confronted with the truth.
9. Faint & Feint
Faint means lacking brightness, vividness, clearness, loudness, strength.
Usage Example: A faint light was visible in the horizon.
Feint means deceive by a mock action, a movement made in order to deceive an adversary.
Usage Example: It was difficult to cut across the feints of the fencer.
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10. Fair & Fare
Fair means free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice.
Usage Example: The decision of the judge was very fair.
Fare means the price of conveyance or passage in a bus, train, airplane, or other vehicle.
Usage Example: Recently the train fares have been hiked by twenty per cent.
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