Confusing Words-9

Commonly Confused Words 
1. Continual & Continuous
Continual means of regular or frequent recurrence; often repeated; very frequent.
Usage Example: At the railway station there were continual announcements regarding the arrival and departure of trains
Continuous means uninterrupted in time; without cessation.
Usage Example: It rained continuously through the night.
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2. Corps & Corpse
Corps means a body of people associated together.
Usage Example: The diplomatic corps found houses close to each other.
Corpse means a dead body, usually of a human being.
Usage Example: The corpse was laid to rest in the coffin after the service in the Church was over.
3. Covet, Covert & Overt
Covet means to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others.
Usage Example: Things are easy to covet but difficult to obtain.
Covert means concealed; secret; disguised.
Usage Example: Covert work on the research for better ammunition is being carried at the lab at night.
Overt means open to view or knowledge; not concealed or secret.
Usage Example: Overt intelligence gathering was done by the opposition party.
4. Creak & Creek
Creak means to make a sharp, harsh, grating, or squeaking sound.
Usage Example: The boards creaked every time someone stepped on them.
Creek means a stream or channel in a coastal marsh.
Usage Example: The creek behind their house dried up every year in the summer.
5. Credible & creditable
Credible means capable of being believed; believable.
Usage Example: His testimonials were completely credible.
Creditable means bringing or deserving credit, honor, reputation, or esteem.
Usage Example: The performance of the sides was creditable in the tournament.
6. Credulity & Credulous
Credulity is a tendency to believe too readily.
Usage Example: The manager questioned the credulity of the new officer who believed anything his juniors said.
Credulous is inclined to believe almost anything; gullible; naive.
Usage Example: Young children are generally credulous and fall readily into the traps of marketers.
7. Crevasse & Crevice
Crevasse is a fissure, or deep cleft, in glacial ice, the earth's surface, etc.
Usage Example: While hiking two members of the team fell into a crevasse.
Crevice is a crack forming an opening; cleft; rift; fissure.
Usage Example: The old mansion had a lot of crevices in the walls.
8. Critic & Critique
Critic means a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes.
Usage Example: The art critic was very efficient and very much in demand.
Critique is an article or essay criticizing a literary or other work; detailed evaluation; review.
Usage Example: Book reviewers generally go deep into the text to critique it.
9. Collaborate & Corroborate
Collaborate means to work one with another; cooperate, as on a literary work.
Usage Example: Some French noblemen collaborated with The Nazis when they occupied Paris.
Corroborate means to make more certain; confirm.
Usage Example: There was nothing in his story to corroborate with the actual happening.
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10. Connote & Denote
Connote means to signify or suggest (certain meanings, ideas, etc.) in addition to the explicit or primary meaning.
Usage Example: Words such as error connote a negative attitude in humans.
Denote means to be a mark or sign of; indicate.
Usage Example: Her face denoted her feelings very clearly.
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