Grammar Basics: Nouns, Types of Nouns & Examples

Everything is in name only. Be it a specific name, name of a group or name in general. In this article, we help you learn about noun and its various types. This will go a long way in helping you understand the rules of Grammar. Use these articles as a revision tool in your spare time.
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Nouns are naming words. Everything we see or talk about is a noun. If you remember your school days, then you should be able to recall the definition of nouns that was taught to us: nouns are the names of person, places, animals, things or qualities.
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Let's take a few examples for each of these:
Persons, places, animals: Tom, India, Cat
Objects and substances: chair, water, table
Qualities: beauty, kindness, arrogance
Actions (as nouns): cooking, dancing, sleeping
Types of Nouns:

1. Common and Proper Nouns:
I. A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place or thing.
Example: car, man, city, iron, liquid, company, etc.
II. A proper noun is the name of a particular or specific person, place or thing. A proper noun always starts with a capital letter.
Example: Alfred, Asia, Brazil
2. Countable and Non-countable Nouns:
I. A countable noun (or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that you can count.
Example: John painted the table red and the chairs blue.
II. A non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun that does not have a plural form and that refers to something that you could (or would) not usually count.
Example: Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen.
3. Collective Nouns:
A collective noun is a noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. You could count the individual members of the group, but you usually think of the group as one unit.
Example: The jury is dining on take-out chicken tonight.
4. Abstract Nouns:
Abstract nouns are used to describe emotions, qualities or feelings.
Examples: Honesty, goodness, kindness, etc.
5. Possessive Nouns:
When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add ('s) to a singular noun and an apostrophe to a plural noun.
Example: The boy's ball.
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Nouns as adjectives:
Sometimes we use a noun to describe another noun. In that case, the first noun acts as an adjective.
Example: Race horse.
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Nouns: Key Learning
  • Though nouns sound simple and very easy, but a simple thing can make all the difference in your score.
  • So follow the article and enhance your performance.