Verbal Reasoning Test

DIRECTION for the question: Answer the question based on the information given in the passage.
  1. By this work "light would be thrown on the origin of man and his history;" and this implies that man must be included with other organic beings in any general conclusion respecting his manner of appearance on this Earth. Now the case wears a wholly different aspect.
    Which of the following best captures the essence of the passage?
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    1. Man must be included with other organic beings in any general conclusion respecting his manner of appearance on this Earth
    2. Man must be included with other organic beings
    3. Man need not be included with other inorganic beings in any general conclusion respecting his manner of appearance on this Earth
    4. Man must be excluded from other organic beings in any general conclusion respecting his manner of appearance on this Earth
DIRECTION for the question: The question has a text portion followed by four alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.
  1. The sole object of this work is to consider, first, whether man, like every other species, is descended from some pre-existing form; secondly, the manner of his development; and thirdly, the value of the differences between the so-called races of man,
    Which of the following best captures the essence of the passage?
    1. The work seems to locate whether man is descended from some pre-existing form
    2. The work seems to locate whether man is descended from gods, the manner of his development, and the value of the differences between the so-called races of mammals
    3. The work will not locate whether man is descended from some pre-existing form, but the manner of his development
    4. The work seems to locate whether man is descended from some pre-existing form, the manner of his development, and the value of the differences between the so-called races of man
  2. The sense of smell is of the highest importance to the greater number of mammals. But the sense of smell is of extremely slight service, if any, even to the dark coloured races of men, in whom it is much more highly developed than in the white and civilised races. M. Houzeau asserts that he repeatedly made experiments, and proved that Negroes and Indians could recognise persons in the dark by their odour.
    Which of the following best captures the essence of the above psssage?
    1. Sense of smell, as experiments have shown, is directly related to the colour of the skin and the darker the skin, the greater the sense will be
    2. Sense of smell, as experiments have shown, is directly related to the colour of the skin and the darker the skin, the lesser the sense will be
    3. Sense of smell, as experiments have shown, is not related to the colour of the skin at all
    4. Sense of smell, theory suggests, is directly related to race and the darker the skin, the lesser the sense will be
DIRECTION for the question: Answer the question based on the information given in the passage.
  1. Persons who consume large amounts of Tablet ‘F’ often have fewer colds and more cheerful dispositions than the average person. Therefore, I am going to start taking extra 'Tablet F' right away because I am tired of getting depressed.
    The author makes which of the following assumptions?
    1. Tablet F cures colds
    2. Tablet F is necessary in extra supplements.
    3. Tablet F helps to prevent depression
    4. Tablet F quickens healing from surgery.
    5. It is impossible to have side effects of Tablet F and is therefore safe.
  2. Many people argue that the death penalty deters murder. However, the notorious killer Tom Hanks deliberately moved to a state that imposes the death penalty just before embarking on a series of ferocious murders. Thus, it seems clear that the existence of the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent to murder.
    The argument above may best be characterized as:
    1. An appeal to emotion
    2. A flawed analogy
    3. A general conclusion based on a specific example
    4. Circular reasoning
  3. "It was AC Milan's success in Europe in the sixties that introduced the 'Iibero' as the Italian default and, a quarter of a century later, it was AC Milan's success in Europe that killed it off." Which of the following was not implied in the above sentence?
    1. AC Milan was successful in Europe in the sixties with the help of a ‘Libero'
    2. AC Milan was successful in Europe in the late eighties without a ‘Libero'
    3. The ‘Libero' was an Italian default for almost a quarter of a century
    4. AC Milan was not successful in Europe for almost a quarter of a century
    5. The Italians seldom used a ‘Libero' since late eighties
  4. Alfredo, Diego and Lionel are discussing Argentinean football.
    Alfredo: Argentina was a football powerhouse. Diego: Argentina is a football powerhouse.
    Lionel: Argentina will be a football powerhouse.
    Which of the following cannot be inferred from the above conversation?
    1. Lionel is optimistic about the future
    2. Alfredo, Diego and Lionel may disagree on certain things
    3. Diego views the present positively
    4. Alfredo completely disagrees with Diego
    5. Alfredo has positive feelings about the past
DIRECTION for the question: The passage below is followed by a question based on it. Read the passage choose the best answer to each question.
  1. No national productivity measures are available for underground industries that may exist but remain unreported. On the other hand, at least some industries that are run entirely by self-employed industrialists are included in national productivity measures. From the information given above, it can be validly concluded that
    1. there are at least some industries run entirely by self-employed industrialists that are underground industries
    2. not all industries that are run entirely by self-employed industrialists operate underground
    3. not all industries that are run entirely by self-employed industrialists are included in national productivity measures
    4. there are at least some industries run entirely by self-employed industrialists that are not underground industries
  2. In Noida, a political candidate who used radio advertising was found to get maximum name recognition. The statement above logically conveys which of the following ?
    1. Radio advertising is the most important factor in political campaigns in Noida
    2. Maximum name recognition in Noida will help a candidate to win a higher percentage of votes cast in the city
    3. Radio advertising reaches every demographically distinct sector of the voting population of Noida
    4. For maximum name recognition a candidate need not spend on media channels other than radio advertising
DIRECTION for the question: For the given question, indicate which of the statements given is consistent with the description of the unseasonable man in the passage below
  1. Unreasonableness is a tendency to do socially permissible things at the wrong time. The unseasonable man is the sort of person who comes to confide in you when you are busy. He serenades his beloved when she is ill. He asks a man who has just lost money by paying a bill for a friend to pay a bill for him. He invites a friend to go for a ride just after the friend has finished a long car trip. He is eager to offer services which are not wanted but which cannot be politely refused. If he is present at an arbitration, he stirs up dissension between the two parties, who were really anxious to agree. Such is the unseasonable man.
    The unseasonable man tends to
    1. bring a higher bidder to a salesman who has just closed a deal
    2. disclose confidential information to others
    3. sing the praises of the bride when he goes to a wedding
    4. sleep late and rise early
  2. Unreasonableness is a tendency to do socially permissible things at the wrong time. The unseasonable man is the sort of person who comes to confide in you when you are busy. He serenades his beloved when she is ill. He asks a man who has just lost money by paying a bill for a friend to pay a bill for him. He invites a friend to go for a ride just after the friend has finished a long car trip. He is eager to offer services which are not wanted but which cannot be politely refused. If he is present at an arbitration, he stirs up dissension between the two parties, who were really anxious to agree. Such is the unseasonable man.
    He tends to
    1. entertain women
    2. be a successful arbitrator when dissenting parties are anxious to agree
    3. be helpful when solicited
    4. tell a long story to people who have heard it many times before
DIRECTION for the question: Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows it.
  1. In recent report, the gross enrollment ratios at the primary level, that is the number of children enrolled in class I – V, as a proportion of all children aged 6-10 years, were shown to be very high for most states, in many cases > 100%. These figures are not worth anything, since they are based on official enrolment rates compiled from school records. They might as well stand for gross exaggeration ratios.
    Which of the following support the exaggeration above?
    1. The definition of gross enrolment ratio does not exclude, in its numerator, children below 6 years or above 10 years enrolled in classes one to five
    2. A school attendance study found that many children enrolled in the school records were not meeting a minimum attendance requirement of 80 percent
    3. A study estimated that close to 22 percent of children enrolled in the class one records were below 6 years of age and still to start going to school
    4. Demographic surveys show shifts in the population profile which indicate that the number of children in the age group 6 to 10 years is declining
DIRECTION for the question: Answer the question based on the information given in the passage.
  1. A few of our public institutions foster a culture of transparency and accountability. The Right To Information (RTI) Act was enacted in 2005 to change this tradition of opacity and make governance a transparent process. The Act has been working reasonably well and has become a useful tool for a large cross-section of civil society to examine the working of the government. Since in the process, institutional failures get exposed as well, there is resistance to the RTI culture from various quarters including the government. Many public institutions that come under the ambit of the Act now want its radical edge blunted. Many state information commissions are starved of funds and personnel, which may lead to a collapse of the institution itself. Many pleas to amend the Act must be seen in this context and handled with caution. It is important that we adhere strictly to its (RTI Act) original aims and refrain from accepting or introducing changes in the legislation on the way it is implemented that would dilute its purpose.
    Which of the following is not in consonance with the contents of the passage?
    1. To give teeth to the RTI legislation, the government must beef up infrastructure at the information commissions
    2. The push to amend the RTI Act came first from the government itself so that frivolous and vexatious applications could be discarded and disclosures of the file notings exempted
    3. The functioning of judiciary is being asked to be exempted from the scope of the Act to safeguard its independence and misuse of the highly confidential and sensitive nature of the information
    4. The focus must be to restrict the scope of the RTI Act rather than to create a climate of information
  2. The current trend in crude oil prices gives a serious cause for concern and if this persists, many of the calculations indicating further recovery and improved growth for the economy can be nullified. This year, the oil prices have risen from $70 per barrel to briefly touch $87, falling back somewhat thereafter. Such levels have not been seen since October 2008. That year, oil crossed a historic $140 per barrel. It is the continued upward trend (except for the period of recession in the global economy) through the later part of the last year, which shows no signs of abating. High oil prices, which rein in growth, will be a bad news for India in more than one way. Slower growth will take away some of the buoyancy that revenue collection is now displaying. But India's problem is compounded by the fact that oil prices are not fully passed on and thus result in under-recoveries for the oil-marketing companies.
    Which of the following is not in consonance with the contents of the passage?
    1. For India to be on a sustainable growth path, its energy prices will have to be market-determined and go up if global prices go up
    2. The under-recoveries ruin the finances of the oil marketing companies, and sap their energy and desire to run themselves efficiently
    3. According to a senior Oil Ministry official, if oil prices again touch $87 a barrel and refuse to come down, then with the current consumer prices, the current financial year can end up with a massive under-recovery of Rs. 80,000 crore
    4. Since there is no election round the corner, government has in an arrogant manner raised the prices of oil (both diesel and petrol) and passed on the same to a common man, who is already hard-hit due to a very high level of inflation
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  4. Delhi is producing close to 7500 tonnes of solid waste per day, an amount which is expected to go up to around 14,300 tonnes by 2021. The state of environment report says that even if a reasonable amount of this waste is collected and disposed of, it will require an 800 hectare landfill site. However, if segregation and treatment of waste is done, properly, only 5 - 10% of the waste will have to be disposed of, the report says. "The most acceptable strategy for solid waste management in Delhi will be to categorize waste streams as biodegradable, re-cyclable and inert matter to maximize recovery and minimize quantity of waste generation." According to the report, municipal solid waste management is in a mess. The three landfill sites have long been exhausted but no workable plan to replace them is in place. The report also suggests that relatively affluent zones generate about 40% organic waste which hints at wasteful habits of residents there. The city also produces around 5000 tonnes of hazardous waste per year. Though some of it comes from the sludge at common effluent treatment plants; most of it is generated at dyeing and pickling units and electroplating factories. This waste often finds its way to the municipal solid waste dumps, posing a hazard not just to the environment but also to humans.
    Which of the following is not in consonance with the contents of the passage?
    1. Delhi has no hazardous waste management facility and it has led to 23 illegal hazardous waste sites in the city
    2. Electronic waste is another headache for the capital. Delhi is the second largest generator of e-waste in the country at nearly 9.7 tonnes per annum
    3. Biomedical waste from hospitals, which is highly infectious, is generated, on an average, to the tune of 10 tonnes per day, which is again treated at common waste disposal facilities
    4. Hazardous waste should be better managed by relocating the industrial units to the specified conforming areas and preparing an elaborate inventory of the waste and its appropriate disposal
DIRECTION for the question: The following contains a paragraph followed by a question. As your answer select the best of the options given.
  1. Organizations are often defined as groups of people who come together to pursue a common goal. But more often than not, goals diverge as much as they converge, making the rationality of the overall organization no more than an elusive ideal. Beneath the collective irrationality, however, organizations are often operating in a way that is eminently rational from the standpoint of the individuals, groups and coalitions directly involved.
    Which of the following can be inferred from the above passage?
    1. As individuals, groups or coalitions in an organization pursue their own interest, the conceptual issues of rational behavior get blurred
    2. Although conceptually, an organization may appear to be irrational – behaviors of individuals, groups and coalitions in the organization may be rational
    3. If all employees of an organization pursue their individual goals, one can never have an organization that behaves rationally
    4. Since people are essentially irrational, the ideal of building a rational organization is elusive
DIRECTION for the question: Answer the following question as per the best of your judgment.
  1. Choose a correct option showing whether the two inferences based on the paragraph are true or false.
    When Nokia announced a global survey in June showing that. two-thirds of handset users think music-playing phones will replace stand-alone MP3 devices like Apple’s iPod, it seemed like a routine marketing ploy. But a look between the lines of the survey results shows a keen contest coming up between handset companies like Nokia, Motorola & Sony-Ericsson on one hand and their long time customers, mobile operators like Vodafone, Orange and Verizon on the other. They are grappling for control of the $42 billion worth of entertainment that Informa, a London market research firm, say mobile phone consumers will purchase by 2010.
    I. MP3 devices will most likely become extinct.
    II. Hand-set makers are supporting mobile operators to capture major portion of the estimated entertainment business of mobile phone consumers
    1. True, False
    2. True, True
    3. False, False
    4. False, True
VR Test: Answers
1. A It is clearly stated in the passage “a) man must be included with other organic beings in any general conclusion & b) respecting his manner of appearance on this Earth.
The same idea is given only in option 1.
2. D Only option 4 gives the complete purpose of the work.
Option 1, talks of only one aspect, hence incomplete.
Option 2, talks of man descending from “GODS”. Not mentioned.
Option 3 can be rejected because it says that the “work will not locate”.
3. A The passage talks of that dark people have highly developed sense of smell than in the white and civilized races.
The same idea is mentioned in option A.
Option B & D say the opposite.
C totally opposes the main idea.
4. C He knows that Tablet F helps in maintaining cheerful mood and he says that he wants to get out of depression thereby assuming that this tablet helps in fighting depression. Opt C supports the same
5. C The last line is the conclusion…which says that the existence of the death penalty does not……. This conclusion has been drawn from a particular example of TOM. Hence option C is the correct answer.
6. D The first half says that AC MILAN achieved success so option 4 is not implied.
7. D We cannot make out whether Alfredo completely disagrees with Diego or not, because  talking about different times does not imply that they do not agree with each other.
8. C Since in the para it has been mentioned that some industries that run entirely in self employed industrialists are included in national productivity measures so we can conclude that not all industries……so option 3 is correct
9. C Only option 3 talks of the radio advertising as the means that reach every area thus concluding logically that the voting population will be affected.
10. A refer line 1 - Unreasonableness is a tendency to do socially permissible things at the wrong time. which means he will do the right thing at the wrong time , hence the answer is option A as it resonates with this logic.
11. D Option b is taken out of context. Option a is not relevant and not mentioned while option c goes against the grain of his unseasonableness.
12. C We have to point out that figures have been manipulated and overestimated and hence the ratio is exaggerated/useless. Also enrolment does not ensure regularity throughout the year. What if  the enrolled student has not started attending the classes but his name will be counted in the ratio calculation. Therefore, a  mere ratio that too more than 100% will not tell the reality of any kind whatsoever. We are also not concerned with demographic trends, but only with given data.
13. B There is resistance to the RTI culture from various quarters including the government. Hence options  3 and 4 are in consonance with the text. .Option 2 is stated nowhere in the passage.
14. D If the prices increases are not fully passed on, option 3 may be inevitable. Refer to “But India's problem …………….for the oil-marketing companies”. Hence option 1 is in consonance with the text. If Oil companies have under recoveries that will lead to financial ruin, they will definitely not be buoyant. Hence option 2 is also in consonance with the text. The option 4 is not in consonance with the text because it states that the oil prices are not fully passed on.
15. A The theme of the passage is the problem of solid waste, especially the hazardous variety, generated by Delhi.
1 is not implied, though the fact that some of the hazardous waste making its way to common disposal sites may seem to hint towards this.
2 and 3 talk of types of solid waste generated.
4 talks of a solution to take care of some of the hazardous waste.
16. A This option talks about individual interests which hampers the path of a common goal. Rest of the options can be eliminated as they change the meaning of the text
17 C The passage stated stand-alone MP3 devices could be replaced and not MP3 devices becoming extinct. Handset companies and mobile operators are having a keen contest as well as grappling for control .Hence both are false.
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