DIRECTION for the questions 1 to 20: In each of the following sentences supply a verb in agreement with its subject:
- To take pay and then not to do work ________ dishonest.
- The cost of all these articles ________ risen.
- The jury _______ divided in their opinions
- That night every one of the boat's crew ______ down with fever.
- One or the other of those fellows _______ stolen the watch.
- The strain of all the difficulties and vexations and anxieties ______ more than he could bear.
- No news _________ good news.
- The accountant and the cashier ______ absconded.
- A good man and useful citizen ______ passed away.
- The famous juggler and conjurer ________ too unwell to perform.
- The Three Musketeers ________ written by Dumas.
- Each of the suspected men ______ arrested.
- The ebb and flow of the tides ______ explained by Newton.
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Sentence Correction: Concepts & Rules
- Ninety rupees ______ too much for this bag.
- The cow as well as the horse _________on grass.
- Neither his father nor his mother __________ alive.
- There _______ many objections to the plan.
- Two-thirds of the city ____________ in ruins
- The formation of paragraphs __________ very important.
- Man's happiness or misery __________ in a great measure in his own hands.
1. |
is |
2. |
has |
3. |
were |
4. |
was |
5. |
has |
6. |
was |
7. |
is |
8. |
have |
9. |
has |
10. |
is |
11. |
is |
12. |
was |
13. |
Was |
14. |
is |
15. |
feeds |
16. |
is |
17. |
are |
18. |
is |
19. |
is |
20. |
is |
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Verbal Preparation Series