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$pageURL .= "://";if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {$pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];} else { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];}
return $pageURL;}
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$TOP_AD = array("https://www.hitbullseye.com/Quant/Arithmetic-Geometric-Harmonic-Progressions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Vocab/One-Word-Substitute-List.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Coding-and-Decoding-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/daily-vocabulary-words.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Probability-Examples.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Problems-on-Ages.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Difficult-Syllogism-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Vocab/List-of-Synonyms.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/puzzle/logical-puzzle-questions-with-answers.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Time-and-Work-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Speed-Distance-Time-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Simplification-Examples.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Subject-Verb-Agreement-Exercise.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Reading-Comprehension-Practice.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Seating-Arrangement-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/HCF-and-LCM-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Blood-Relation-Questions-with-Answers.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Reasoning/Painted-Cube-Problem-Formula.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Coding-Decoding-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Percentage-Practice-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Alphabetical-Series-Reasoning-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Profit-Loss.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Adjectives-Exercises.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Odd-One-Out-Questions-with-Answers.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Reasoning-Questions-Seating-Arrangement.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Number-Series-Questions.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Profit-and-loss-Problems.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Time-and-Work-Problems.php", "https://www.hitbullseye.com/Quant/Compound-Interest-Problems.php",
if (in_array($pageURL, $TOP_AD)) {
// {
// echo "
// }
// else {
// echo "
// }
Basic Terms
- Races: A race is a contest of speed in running, riding, driving, sailing, etc for a particular distance.
- Race Course: The ground or path in which race is conducted is known as a race course.
- Starting Point: The beginning point of the race is known as starting point.
- Winning Point: The point where the race is finished is known as winning point.
- Winner: The contestant who reaches the end point of the race (or finishes the race before all other contestants) is known as the winner.
- Dead Heat Race: When all the contestants finish the race altogether (i.e. at the same time), then that race is known as dead heat race.
- Start: Suppose P and Q are two contestants in a race. If before the start of the race, P is at the starting point and Q is ahead of P by 15 meters. Then, we can say that "P gives Q a start of 15 meters".
- So, to cover a race of 100 meters, P will have to cover 100 meters while Q will have to cover (100-15) = 85 meters.
- In a 100 meters race, 'P can give Q 12 m' or ‘P beats Q by 12 m' means that while P runs 100 m, Q runs (100-12) = 88 m.
- Games: 'A game of 100' means that ‘the contestant who comes first in scoring 100 points is the winner’.
- If P scores 100 points while Q scores only 88 points, then we can say that 'P can give Q 12 points'.
- If P is n times as fast as Q and P gives Q a start of x meters, then the length of the race course, so that both P and Q reaches the winning post at the same time = xn/(n-1) meters.
- If P can run x meters race in t1 seconds and Q in t2 seconds, where t1 < t2, then P beats Q by a distance of x(t2 – t1)/ t2 meters.