Prepositions – Practice Questions

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 - 20: Fill in the blank with the right options provided.
  1. It is surprising indeed that he has an access ____ all the important leaders of the country.
    1. about
    2. by
    3. to
    4. of
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  3. The trouble originated ___a petty quarrel.
    1. in
    2. about
    3. to
    4. beside
  4. It is due to their lethargy that the plan fell____.
    1. through
    2. out
    3. away
    4. apart
  5. He felt very much grateful ____his boss for the kindness he had shown in granting him leave.
    1. to
    2. for
    3. with
    4. on
  6. Every one of us will have to atone _____his or her misdeeds.
    1. of
    2. for
    3. by
    4. with
  7. The consequences of his haughtiness were that his services were dispensed ______by his master.
    1. with
    2. about
    3. from
    4. up
  1. These days everybody complains __high prices of commodities.
    1. away
    2. of
    3. through
    4. over
  2. Which magazine do you subscribe ______?
    1. Of
    2. For
    3. To
    4. In
  3. We must not carp _____ the errors of our ancestors.
    1. From
    2. With
    3. About
    4. In
  4. A preface ...... a book introduces the book.
    1. by
    2. to
    3. of
    4. over
  5. Ramesh is on holiday and he ………… his money very quickly.
    1. will have been spending
    2. Have spent
    3. is spending
    4. spend
  6. There were speculations before these events, which ultimately ____ in the formation of a republic.
    1. Led
    2. Warranted
    3. Bought
    4. Culminated
  7. This book ______________ five sections.
    1. comprises of
    2. comprises
    3. consists
    4. comprises to
  8. The doctors ____a special course of antibiotics on the patient to ___the disease
    1. used, relieve
    2. gave, take out
    3. prescribed, prove
    4. administered, combat
  9. Autotomy is the ability of an animal to ________ a part of its body at will to save itself from predators and attackers.
    1. Cast off
    2. Cast away
    3. Cut of
    4. Cut down
  10. We judge ourselves by our thought, ____________ others judge us by our actions.
    1. when
    2. because
    3. whereas
    4. lest
  11. Their country has no mineral resources to speak __________.
    1. of
    2. in
    3. on
    4. with
  12. They have set out ________a journey to a hill station.
    1. in
    2. on
    3. of
    4. with
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  14. After the treatment, he was relieved ___________ the pain
    1. for
    2. of
    3. from
    4. with
  15. My uncle apprised me ____ the incident
    1. about
    2. on
    3. in
    4. of
1. C “access to” is to have authority or permission.
2. A “originated in “ is the correct usage..
3. A “Fell through” is to collapse.
4. A Grateful takes to after it.
5. B Atone for means to apologize.
6. A The services were “dispensed with” and it means 'forgo'. Dispense is followed by with.
7. B To complain of or about something.
8. C The word ‘subscribe’ means to hold a standing order for a magazine or other periodical, or for a computer service e.g.  He subscribes to three magazines.
9. C If we find fault with something and complain continuously and unnecessarily about it, we ‘carp’ about/at it.
10. B A ‘preface’ is an introduction to something and the correct preposition is ‘to’.
11. C The tense used here is ‘present continuous’ as the action is still going on.
12. D The word ‘ultimately’ gives us a hint of something ending, so culminated fits the best. And with 'in' only culminated is correct.
13. B The use of  preposition 'of' after "comprise" is incorrect.
14. D One does not relieve, take out or prove a disease, so for the 2nd blank, combat is correct
15. A Cast off , means to remove , and hence this is the answer.
16. C There are two ways in which we are judged; one is ‘our thoughts’ whereas other is when our actions are judged.
17. A To speak ‘of’ mineral means to speak about(Not speech), Speak on means giving speech.
18. B ‘set out’ means to begin. So correct preposition would be set out on
19. B Relieve of is the correct idiom
20. D Apprise is used with of. It denotes being informed
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