Grammar Basics: Personal Pronouns

Before learning about different kinds of personal pronouns, review the basics of nouns and pronouns.
Nouns: Name of a person, place or thing, for example - India, Delhi, cat, class etc.
Pronouns: These are the words that we use in place of nouns, such as he, she, they, them, it etc.
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There are different kinds of pronouns:
Personal Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Subjective Pronouns
Objective Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
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Personal Pronouns: We use personal pronouns in place of the person we are talking about.
Personal pronouns can be further divided into:
First person- I, me we etc.
Second person- you, your.
Third person- he, she, they, them etc.
In other words, personal pronouns refer to the speaker (first person), the person has spoken to (second person), and the person/thing spoken about (third person). Additionally, the first, second and third person pronouns are used in singular or plural forms in the following ways:
Personal pronouns list:
First Person
  Singular Plural
Nominative I We
Possessive my,mine our,ours
Accusative me us
Second Person
Nominative You
Possessive Your,Yours
Accusative You
Third Person
  Singular Plural
Nominative he/she/it they
Possessive his/her/hers/its their, theirs
Accusative him/her/it them
Personal pronouns are used in two situations:
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  1. Positive situations: In these kinds of situations the order followed is 3rd person, 2nd and then the 1st.For example : he, you and I are going for the movies.
  2. Negative situations: In these kinds of situation the order followed is 1st, 3rd and 2nd or 1st, 2nd and 3rd For example: I, he and you/I, you and he were blamed for the accident.
Lastly, personal pronouns must agree with the noun in number, person, and gender for which they stand.
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