Partnership Practice Questions: Level 01

  1. Mehak and Shavi invest their money in a business with the amount of Rs. 30000 and Rs. 35000 for 1 year. Find the Ratio of their profit.
    1. 4:5
    2. 7:3
    3. 6.7
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 3
    When time period is same then ratio of investment is equal to the ratio of their profit.
    Required ratio = Mehak : Shavi= 30000:35000 = 6 : 7
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  3. Rohit started a partnership business with Mohit with investing amount of Rs. 50000 and 45000 respectively. After 8 months Deepak joined them with the amount of 30000. At the end of year, they get the profit of Rs. 4200. How much money Deepak get as his profit?
    1. Rs. 300
    2. Rs. 400
    3. Rs. 500
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 2
    Ratio of their profit = Rohit : Mohit : Deepak= 50000×12: 45000×12: 30000× 4= 10:9:2
    Deepak’s profit’s share= 4200 × 2/21= Rs. 400
  4. Sahil & Nitish rent a stable for 9 months. Sahil puts in 84 horses for 5 months. How many horses can Nitish put in remaining month, if Nitish pay twice of Sahil?
    1. 210
    2. 310
    3. 120
    4. None of these

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    Answer : Option 1
    Let X be the number of horses put by the Nitish for 4 months;
    (84 × 5)/(X × 4)= 1/2
  5. Shina and Bhuwan started a business of utensils in Jagadhari by investing their money in the ratio of 4:3 respectively. After seven months, Preeti joined them by investing her money equal to Shina’s investment. After 2 years, they get 25% profit which is equal to the amount Rs. 14750. Find the Investment of Preeti.
    1. Rs. 24000
    2. Rs. 17000
    3. Rs.18000
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 2
    Let their weighted ratio be 4x, 3x, and 4x
    First of all, to calculate their weighted ratios
    ⇒ Shina =4 × 24 (2 years = 24 months) = 96
    ⇒ Bhuwan = 3 × 24 (2 years = 24 months) = 72
    ⇒ Preeti= 4 × 17 (24 months – 7 months) = 68
    Ratio will be: 24:18:17
    Total profit after 2 years = 14750 × 100/25 = Rs 59000
    ⇒ Investment by Preeti = 59000 × 17 / 59 = Rs 17000
  6. Poonam, Swami & Deepa started a partnership business investing their money in the ratio of 3:5:7. After 3 months Kusum joined them and investing her money which is equal to the swami’s investment. Find the ratio of their profit at the end of the year.
    1. 15 : 17 :18:23
    2. 12:20:28:15
    3. 12:20:28:25
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 2
    Let initial investment of Poonam, Swami & Deepa is 3x, 5x & 7x respectively, then Kusum’s investment is also 5x.
    Like Poonam , Swami , Deepa invested for 12 months and Kusum invested for 9months.
    Ratio of profit is equal to the product of their Investment & Time Period.
    Therefore, Poonam: Swami : Deepa: Kusum = (3x*12):(5x*12):(7x*12):(5x*9)
    = 12:20:28:15
  1. Mini started a business with investment amount of Rs. 54000 and after some months Mice joined her with investment money of Rs.72000. Mice invested his money for how many months if at the end of year profit is equally divided between them.
    1. 4
    2. 7
    3. 9
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 3
    Let Mice joins after x months.
    Then Mice’s investments was for (12-x) months
    Since the profits was divided equally.
    Mice’s joined after 3 months or we can also say that he invested his money for 9 months.
  2. Prince and Nakul stared a partnership business by investing Rs. 5400 and Rs 4620 respectively. After 9 months, Nakul Leaves and took his capital. At the end of year they earned a profit of Rs. 3940. What was Nakul’s Profit?
    1. Rs. 1300
    2. Rs. 1540
    3. Rs. 1500
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 2
    Prince: Nakul = (5400 x 12) : (4620 x 9) = 120 : 77.
    ∴ Nakul's share = Rs (3940 × (77/197) ) = Rs 1540
  3. Three partners Meena, Sheena and Love shared the profit in a partnership business in the ratio 3:4:7. They had partnered for 7 months, 7 months and 9 months respectively. Find their investment ratio?
    1. 27:36:49
    2. 29:37:49
    3. 30:29:47
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 1
    Let their investments be Rs. x for 7 months, Rs. y for 7 months and Rs. z for 9 months respectively.
    Then, 7x : 7y : 9z = 3:4:7.
    Now, (7x/7y) = (3/4) ⇒ 4x= 3y ⇒ y = (4/3)x
    And, (7x / 9z) = (3/7) ⇒ 49x = 27z ⇒ z = (49/27) x
    By substituting the values of y and z in the form of x
    Therefore, x : y : z = x : (4/3)x : (49/27)x
    Hence, x:y:z = 27:36:49
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  5. Anu started a business with the amount of Rs. 27000 and after some months Kusum with the investing amount of Rs. 36000. At the end of year, the ratio of their profit is 3:2. After how many months Kusum joined?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 2
    Suppose Kusum joined for x months. Then, (27000 × 12)/ (36000 × x) = 3/2.
    By solving for x, we get the value of x = 6.
    Hence, Kusum joined for 6 months.
  6. Manika and Neetu went to a trip to Jaipur. They had 15 and 12 breads respectively. Swati joined them and contributed Rs. 81 and each get equal number of breads. How much amount should be paid by Swati to Neetu?
    1. Rs. 27
    2. Rs. 29
    3. Rs. 50
    4. None of these

    Answer : Option 1
    Total number of breads with Neetu and Manika is 27. So, each of them will have 9 breads each.
    The cost of 9 breads is Rs. 81.
    Therefore, cost of 1 bread is 81/9= Rs. 9
    Swati got 3 breads from Neetu. So she has to pay = 9×3=Rs. 27