DIRECTIONS for questions: Point out the Nouns in the following sentences, and say whether they are Common, Proper, Collective or Abstract:
- The crowd was in large numbers.
- Always say the truth
- We all love loyalty.
- Our class consists of twenty-five students
- Shankar was known for his wisdom
- Cleanliness is next to godliness.
- We saw a fleet of ships at Pearl harbor.
- The Godavary river overflows its banks every year.
- A committee of seven was appointed.
- Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.
- The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.
- Without health there is no happiness.
- He gave me a bunch of bananas.
- I recognized your voice at once.
- My team is better than theirs.
- Never tell a lie.
- Wisdom is better than strength.
- He sets a high value on his time.
- This room is thirty feet in length.
- The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness.
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1. |
Crowd; Collective Noun |
2. |
Truth; Abstract Noun |
3. |
Loyalty; Abstract Noun |
4. |
Class and students; Countable Noun |
5. |
Shankar; Proper Noun, Wisdom; Abstract Noun |
6. |
Cleanliness and Godliness; abstract |
7. |
Fleet; Collective, Ships; Common and Pearl Harbour; Proper Noun |
8. |
Nile; Proper noun, Banks and Year; Common |
9. |
Committee; Collective Noun |
10. |
Jawaharlal Nehru, India; Proper noun; Prime Minister; Common Noun |
11. |
Soldiers; Common Noun, Bravery; Abstract |
12. |
Health and Happiness; Abstract Noun |
13. |
Bunch; Collective Noun, Bananas; Common Noun |
14. |
Voice; Common Noun |
15. |
Team; Collective Noun |
16. |
Lie; Abstract Noun |
17. |
Wisdom and Strength; Abstract Noun |
18. |
Value and Time; Abstract Noun |
19. |
Room and Feet; Common Noun, Length; Abstract |
20. |
Streets and Cities; Common Noun; Crookedness; Abstract Noun |
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// echo "
// } else {
// echo "
// }
Verbal Preparation Series