- Alzheimer's Disease: Brain disease named for the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who first identified it in 1906
Example: Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) were asked to respond to simple probes of sentences where we manipulated grammatical factors, semantic factors, and cognitive resource demands associated with a sentence.
- Angst: Dread and anxiety
Example: Sylvia's teenage angst was nothing compared to the parental angst experienced by the two individuals whose duty it was to raise her.
- Apple strudel: A type of pastry made with thin layers of dough, rolled up with a fruit filling
Example: In your free time try authentic apple strudel and Viennese coffee.
- Aspirin: Acetylsalicyclic acid (also called Aspirin) was invented by the German chemist Felix Hoffmann working for Bayer AG in 1899.
Example: The cost of prescribing aspirin was lower till about a few years ago.
- Coffee klatsch (klatch): A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation.
Example: I thoroughly enjoyed our coffee klatsch yesterday, the highlight of which was the discussion on global warming.
- Diesel: The diesel engine is named for its German inventor, Rudolf Diesel
Example: My car runs on diesel unlike his which runs on petrol.
- Dobermann: Dog breed named for the German Friedrich Louis Dobermann
Example: I have 4 pugs, an English bulldog and a very naughty Dobermann.
- Doppelganger: A ghostly double, look-alike, or clone of a person
Example: He saw his own doppelganger walking down the street, and ran home in terror.
- Doppler effect: Apparent change in the frequency of light or sound waves, caused by rapid movement; named for the Austrian physicist C.J. Doppler who discovered the effect
Example: The use of the Doppler effect for light in astronomy depends on our knowledge that the spectra of stars are not continuous.
- Fahrenheit: The Fahrenheit temperature scale is named for its German inventor, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, who invented the alcohol thermometer
Example: Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which book paper burns.
- Feinschmecker: Gourmet
Example: No, I don't think McDonald's will do; he's much too much of a Feinschmecker.
- Frankfurter: Hot dog, originally a type of German sausage (Wurst) from Frankfurt
Example: She makes such delicious Frankfurters that her kids want them at least once a week.
- Kindergarten: A school or class for young children between the ages of four and six years.
Example: She wanted to send her children to the best kindergarden in town.
- Schadenfreude: Pleasure at someone else's misfortunes
Example: Schadenfreude suffused the classroom after the insufferably supercilious class pet was caught cheating by the teacher.
- Verboten: Forbidden, as by law; prohibited
Example: That topic, I am afraid, is verboten in this household.
- Wanderjahr: A year or period of travel, especially following one's schooling.
Example: The trio took off on their Wanderjahr, intent on visiting every museum between Edinburgh and Rome.
- Weltschmerz: Sorrow over the evils of the world.
Example: His poetry expressed a certain Weltschmerz, or world-weariness.
- Zeitgeist: The thought or sensibility characteristic of a particular period of time.
Example: She blamed it on the Zeitgeist, which encouraged hedonistic excess.
Vocabulary Preparation Series
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