Critical Reasoning- Finding Conclusion - Practice Questions

DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 25: In each of the given questions, a statement is given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Give Answer
  1. If only Conclusion I follows
  2. If only Conclusion II follows
  3. if either I or II follows
  4. If neither I nor II follows
  5. If both I and II follow
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  1. Statement: The distance of 900 km by road between Jafra and Bombay will be reduced to 280km by sea. This will lead to a saving of Rs. 7.92 crores per annum on fuel.
    Conclusions: I. Transportation by sea is cheaper than that by road.
    II. Fuel must be saved to the greatest extent.
  2. Statement: This book 'Z' is the only book which focuses its attention to the poverty issue in India between 1950 and 1980.
    Conclusions: I. There was no question of poverty before 1950.
    II. No other book deals with poverty in India during 1950 to 1980.
  3. Statement: The percentage of national income shared by the top 10 percent of households in India is 35.
    Conclusions: I. When the economy grows fast, concentration of wealth in certain pockets of population takes place.
    II. The national income is unevenly distributed in India.
  4. Statement: The Cabinet of State X took certain steps to tackle the milk glut in the state as the cooperatives and government dairies failed to use the available milk. — A news report.
    Conclusions: I. The milk production of State X is more than its need.
    II. The Government and co-operative dairies in State X are not equipped in terms of technology and resources to handle such excess milk.
  5. Statement: The manager insulted Sachin in the presence of his colleagues.
    Conclusions: I. The manager didn't like Sachin.
    II. Sachin was not popular with his colleagues.
  6. Statement: In a recent survey report, it has been stated that those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day are less prone to have any heart ailments.
    Conclusions: I. Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life.
    II. All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments.
  7. Statement: Only good singers are invited to the conference. No one without sweet voice is a good singer.
    Conclusions: I. All the singers invited to the conference have a sweet voice.
    II. Those singers who do not have sweet voice are not invited to the conference.
  1. Statement: Recent trends also indicate that the number of child migrants in large cities is rising. These children leave their families to join the rank of urban poor doing odd jobs in markets, workshops, hotels or in service sectors.
    Conclusions: I. Migration to big cities should be checked.
    II. The plight of poor children should be thoroughly studied.
  2. Statement: Irregularity is a cause for failure in exams. Some regular students fail in the examinations.
    Conclusions: I. All failed students are regular.
    II. All successful students are not regular.
  3. Statement: Until our country achieves economic equality, democracy and political freedom would be meaningless.
    Conclusions: I. Political freedom and democracy go hand in hand.
    II. Economic equality leads to democracy and real political freedom.
  4. Statement: "The Government will review the present policy of the diesel price in view of further increase in the international oil prices". - A spokesman of the Government.
    Conclusions: I. The Government will increase the diesel price after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.
    II. The Government will not increase the diesel price even after the imminent spurt in the international oil prices.
  5. Statement: If all the players play to their full potential, we will win the match. We have won the match.
    Conclusions: I. All the players played to their full potential.
    II. Some players did not play to their full potential.
  6. Statement: Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it after every six months.
    Conclusions: I. Fashion designers do not understand the public mind well.
    II. The public is highly susceptible to novelty.
  7. Statement: Money plays a crucial role in politics.
    Conclusions: I. The poor can never become politicians.
    II. All the rich men take part in politics.
  8. Statement: Any man who makes dowry as a condition for marriage discredits himself and dishonours womanhood.
    Conclusions: I. Those who take dowry in marriage should be condemned by society.
    II. Those who do not take dowry in marriage respect womanhood.
  9. Statement: It has been decided by the Government to withdraw 33% of the subsidy on cooking gas from the beginning of next month. — A spokesman of the Government.
    Conclusions: I. People now no more desire or need such subsidy from Government as they can afford increased price of the cooking gas.
    II. The price of the cooking gas will rise at least by 33% from the next month.
  10. Statement: A Corporate General Manager asked 4 managers to either face termination orders from service or submit their resignations by the next day. 3 of them had submitted their resignations by that evening.
    Conclusions: I. The next day, the remaining manager will also resign.
    II. The General manager would terminate his services the next day.
  11. Statement: The serious accident in which a person was run down by a car yesterday had again focused attention on the unsatisfactory state of roads.
    Conclusions: I. The accident that occurred was fatal.
    II. Several accidents have taken place because of the unsatisfactory state of roads.
  12. Statement: Parents are ready to pay any price for an elite education to their children.
    Conclusions: I. These days, all parents are very well off.
    II. Parents have an obsessive passion for a perfect development of their children through good schooling.
  13. Statement: America's defence secretary reiterated that they would continue to supply arms to Pakistan.
    Conclusions: I. Pakistan is incapable of manufacturing arms.
    II. It would ensure peace in the region.
  14. Statement: The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.
    Conclusions: I. Your life will be dull if you don't face any problem
    II. To escape from problems, you should always have some solutions with you.
  15. Statement: A neurotic is a non-stupid person who behaves stupidly.
    Conclusions: I. Neuroticism and stupidity go hand in hand.
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    II. Normal persons behave intelligently.
  16. Statement: Vegetable prices are rising in the market.
    Conclusions: I. Vegetables are becoming a rare commodity
    II. People cannot eat vegetables.
  17. Statement: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
    Conclusions: I. We should be content with what we have.
    II. We should not crave for what is not.
  18. Statement: The 'Official Secrets Act' (OSA) enacted by the Y government during the war seems to be one of the major source of corruption in the country X.
    Conclusions: I. The OSA has to be abolished immediately to put an end to the corruption in the country X.
    II. The Y government had an intention of encouraging corruption in the government offices.
1. 2 According to the statement, sea transport is cheaper than road transport in the case of the route from Jafra to Bombay, but not in all the cases. Thus, conclusion I does not follow. The statement stresses on saving of the fuel. So, conclusion II follows.
2. 2 The phrase 'only book' in the statement makes II implicit. However, nothing about the state of poverty before 1950 can be deduced from the statement. So, I does not follow.
3. 2 Nothing about the growth of economy is mentioned in the statement. Hence, I does not follow. Also, it is given that 35 percent of national income is shared by 10 percent of the households. This indicates unequal distribution. So, II follows.
4. 5 The use of the term 'milk glut' makes I implicit. Also, the fact that the cooperatives and Government dairies failed to use the available milk indicates that they lack the proper infrastructure to handle such quantities of milk. So, II also follows.
5. 4 The manager might have humiliated Sachin not because of his dislike but on account of certain negligence or mistake on his part. So, I does not follow. Also, nothing about Sachin's rapport with his colleagues can be deduced from the statement. So, II also does not follow.
6. 1 The statement mentions that chances of heart ailments are greatly decreased by a regular half-hour exercise. So, I follows. However, it talks of only reducing the probability which does not mean that persons involved in sedentary jobs shall definitely suffer from heart ailments. So, II does not follow.
7. 5 The statement asserts that a good singer always has a sweet voice and only good singers are invited in the conference. This implies that all those invited in the conference have sweet voice and those who do not have sweet voice are not invited. So, both I and II follow.
8. 4 The statement mentions the problem of increased migration of children to cities. But the ways to deal with the problem cannot be deduced from it. So, neither I nor II follows.
9. 4 The given statement clearly implies that all irregular and some regular students fail in the exams. This means that all successful students are regular but not all regular students are successful. So, neither I nor II follows.
10. 2 Nothing about the relation between political freedom and democracy is mentioned in the statement. So, I does not follow. But II directly follows from the given statement.
11. 3 The Government seeks to review the policy so as to determine whether the diesel price needs to be increased or it can be kept stable by adjusting certain other factors. So, either decision may be taken. Thus, either I or II follows.
12. 1 The statement asserts that match can be won only if all the players play to their full potential. So, only I follows while II does not.
13. 2 The statement asserts that people cannot stand any particular trend for long and seek change quite often. So, only II follows.
14. 4 Neither the poor nor the rich, but only the role of money in politics is being talked about in the statement. So, neither I nor II follows.
15. 5 Clearly, the statement declares dowry as an evil practice and reflects its demerits. Thus, conclusion I follows. Also, it is given that those who take dowry dishonour womanhood. This implies that those who do not take dowry respect womanhood. So, II also follows.
16. 4 The decision to withdraw subsidy has clearly been taken to compensate for the loss and not because people can now afford to pay more for cooking gas. So, I does not follow. Also, the statement talks of withdrawing 33% of the prevailing subsidy and not of reducing 33% of the actual price. So, II also does not follow.
17. 3 It is mentioned in the statement that either the managers should resign by the next day or their services would be terminated. So, either I or II follows.
18. 5 Since the accident has caused concern, it must be fatal. So, I follows. The use of the word 'again' in the statement justifies the fact mentioned in II. So, II also follows.
19. 2 The statement implies that people are inclined towards giving their children a good education. Hence, only II follows while I does not.
20. 4 Pakistan's ability to manufacture arms is not being talked about in the statement. So, I does not follow. The fact in II cannot be deduced from the given statement. So, II also does not follow.
21. 4 Clearly, both I and II do not follow from the given statement.
22. 1 It is mentioned in the statement that a neurotic is a person who behaves stupidly. So, I follows. The behaviour of normal persons cannot be deduced from the given statement. So, II does not follow.
23. 4 The availability of vegetables is not mentioned in the given statement. Hence, I does not follow. Further, II is not directly related to the given statement and so it does not follow.
24. 5 Both the given conclusions clearly bring out the central theme of the proverb given in the statement. So, both I and II follow.
25. 1 The statement declares enactment of OSA as the direct cause of rise in corruption. Hence, I follows. But the enactment of an act by a government is undertaken for betterment and not with the intention of encouraging corruption though whatever may be the outcome later on. So, II does not follow.
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