Vocabulary Practice Exercise: Synonyms

Directions for questions 1-3: Choose the word which is most similar to the farmers to increase the supply of food.
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1. Public policy in regard to food in main economies around the world has not provided adequate incentive , the response to emergencies like accidents is equally sad.
1. Acceleration
2. Surplus
3. Baiting
4. Encouragement
2. The National Disaster Management agency, set up a short time ago being a central government agency, has limitations relating to infringing the jurisdiction of the states.
1. Breaking
2. Violating
3. Provoking
4. Hampering
3. Camerata revived the style of musical history that had been used in Greek tragedy taking most of the plots for their operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, writing librettos or dramas for music.
1. Location
2. Instrument
3. Stories
4. Inspiration
Directions for questions 4-20: Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the given word.
4. Renounce
1. accept
2. nullify
3. abdicate
4. announce
5. Placate
1. appeal
2. abolish
3. testify
4. soothe
6. Retard
1. brake
2. slow
3. crazy
4. clumsy
7. Dictatorial
1. practical
2. arbitrary
3. unimpeachable
4. sanity
8. Armada
1. fleet
2. arroyo
3. paltry
4. cannon
9. Blarney
1. rebuke
2. upbraid
3. censure
4. flattery
10. Blurt
1. loosen
2. babble
3. mellifluous
4. smoothen
11. Cunning
1. vulpine
2. blithe
3. stupid
4. jiffy
12. Consonance
1. punctuate
2. harmony
3. stillness
4. discord
13. Smuggling
1. comport
2. disband
3. contraband
4. muzzle
14. Debase
1. support
2. bolster
3. abase
4. propel
15. Downward
1. boom
2. declivity
3. depression
4. impetuous
16. Corrupt
1. abrade
2. suave
3. polish
4. defile
17. Disjointed
1. joint
2. distress
3. discuss
4. disconnected
18. Distill
1. stultify
2. impasse
3. stipulate
4. purify
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19. Enumerate
1. numerical
2. list
3. ratify
4. nullify
20. Epistle
1. epitaph
2. numismatist
3. letter
4. stultify
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