DIRECTIONS for questions: Point out the Conjunctions in the following sentences, and state whether they are Coordinating or Subordinating:
- You will not succeed unless you work harder.
- I waited till the train arrived.
- You will get the prize if you deserve it.
- Do not go before I come.
- Since you say so, I must believe it.
- I shall be vexed if you do that.
- I did not come because you did not call me.
- He is richer than I am.
- Catch me if you can.
- He deserved to succeed, for he worked hard.
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echo "
} else {
echo "
DIRECTIONS for questions: Fill the blanks with appropriate Conjunctions:-
- Be just ____ fear not.
- Make haste, ______ you will be late.
- Open rebuke is better ____ secret love.
DIRECTIONS for questions: Fill each blank in the following sentences with an appropriate Conjunction:-
- Three _____ three make six.
- He will not come _______ it rains.
- He was punished, _____ he was guilty.
- Karim is tall, _____ Abdul is taller.
- Water _______ oil will not mix.
- Man proposes _______ God disposes.
- Please write _____ I dictate.
1. |
Unless |
2. |
Till |
3. |
If |
4. |
Before |
5. |
Since |
6. |
If |
7. |
Because |
8. |
Than |
9. |
If |
10. |
For |
11. |
And |
12. |
Or |
13. |
Than |
14. |
Plus |
15. |
If |
16. |
Since |
17. |
While |
18. |
And |
19. |
But |
20. |
As |
if (!function_exists('curPageURL2')) {
function curPageURL2()
{$pageURL = 'http';if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") {$pageURL .= "s";}
$pageURL .= "://";if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {$pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];} else { $pageURL .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];}
return $pageURL;}
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$BOT_AD = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
// if (in_array($pageURL1, $BOT_AD)) {
// echo "
// } else {
// echo "
// }
Verbal Preparation Series