1. | D | Council is a collective noun and will take a singular verb. The critics can only criticize and not censor anything. |
2. | B | Farther is used for distance while further means to a greater degree. The appropriate word in the second sentence is historic, meaning – of great importance. Mistrust means ill placed trust whereas the old man does not seem to believe much in new technology. Films are based on true stories. Compliment means to praise while complement means to complete. |
3. | B | Regretfully is the best option. It is an expression of disappointment. Sensuous is the appropriate usage. It relates to the pleasure of senses. Besides is the correct word, beside is a preposition. Stationary means immobile, hence the correct option. Water rises above the danger mark and not over the danger mark. |
4. | C | Brooch - jewellery and item for jewellery, Broach - to think. Councillor – representative of local authority, Counsellor – Advisor. Climactic – constituting a climax, climatic – relating to climate. Flair – aptitude, flare – expanding outward. Option C is correct. |
5. | B | Currants – fruits. Exceptional – uncommon/extra ordinary, Exceptionable – objectionable. Consent – to accept/give acceptance, Assent – agreement. Obliged – legal obligations, Compel – to force. Sanguine – optimistic, Genuine – real. Option B is correct |
6. | B | Caustic – bitter. Cogent plea (idiomatic usage) Adverse – unfavorable, Averse – opposed. Coupé – a small compartment, Coup – a struggle. Peeling – to scrap off, Pealing – a set of bells tuned to each other. Option B is correct |
7. | A | Defused – reduce severity of, Diffuse – spread. Bated – to lessen, Bait – to harass. Hoard – to accumulate, Horde – a large group. Internment – to confine. Unsociable – unfriendly. Option A is correct |
8. | C | Option 3. Personality means different things when used in different contexts. Hence we need varying as it shows diversity and connotations because we are talking about differences in meanings. Parlance means a way or manner of speaking; vernacular; idiom: legal parlance. Enduring means long lasting or permanent. And Endearing means tending to make dear or beloved. |
9. | C | Adapted to means naturally suited; adapted for means created to. Correspond to means in agreement with; Correspond with to exchange letters. Less than is comparing; lesser is used as an adjective. “It must have been” is to be a verb so the pronoun must be in subject form ‘she’ not ‘her’ To ensure something is to take steps to make sure that something happens; To assure something is to make certain that it will happen or has happened or to promise that something will be done as said. |
10. | C | arrant - That is plainly such; out – and – out; notorious an arrant fool, errant - erring or straying from what is right or the right course, shifting about Biennial – happening every two years, lasting or living two years, Biannual – coming twice a year; semiannual. Militate – to influence toward or against a change. Mitigate – to lessen, make easier or bearable. Disparate – essentially not alike; distinct or different in kind; unequal Disparage – to lower in esteem; discredit, to speak slightingly of; show disrespect for; belittle Immanent – living, remaining, or operating within; inherent. Imminent – likely to happen without delay; impending; threatening: said of danger, evil, misfortune |
11. | B | Sentence 1: Enervate means to decrease or to reduce vitality or strength. Innervate means to stimulate (a nerve, muscle, or body part) to action. Sentence 2: Exceptionable means liable to be objectionable or offensive. Exceptional means differing from the norm, either better than average or worse than average: Sentence 3: Incoherent means lacking orderly cohesion or relevance; not logically connected; disjointed; rambling; lacking orderly continuity. Inchoate means initial rudimentary formulation of something; just begun; in the early stage; rudimentary; not yet clearly or completely formed or organized; imperfectly formulated; such as, an idea. Sentence 4: Epitaph is something written or said in memory of a dead person; especially, words written on a gravestone. Epithet, on the other hand, is a term used to characterize, or to describe, a person or thing. Epithet can also be in sense of an offensive word or name that is used as a way of abusing or insulting someone or others. Sentence 5: Elicit means to draw out, extract, or to bring forth: Illicit, on the other hand, means not permitted, unlawful, illegal, banned. |
12. | A | Option 1. “To rev up” means to accelerate or increase. Here the correct word should mean to get ready for a coming action or event which is “gears up”. “A juncture” is a line or point at which two bodies are joined, or a point of exigency or crisis in time. A junction is an act of joining; combining or the state of being joined; union. “Carving” means to make or create for (often fol. by out): He carved out a career in business, while “sculpting” means to shape, mold, or fashion especially with artistry or precision. “Manifest” means “readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error.” |
13. | B | Option 2. Practicable means “able to be carried out, feasible”. Practical means “makes sense and can be carried out, Based on reality or action rather than ideas or imagination, Suitable, appropriate” |
14. | C | Option 3. A pretence is feigning; make-believe. A pretext is something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object; an ostensible reason, excuse. In the first sentence, the investigator is pretending or feigning, hence pretence. In the second, to come under false pretences means false representation of fact or circumstance. In the third, the leaders used the insults as an excuse to declare war. In the fourth, the investigator used his responsibilities as an excuse. In the last sentence, the meaning is false claim. |
15. | A | Option 1: BABAB. Abstractedly means lost in thought; deeply engrossed or preoccupied. Abstractly means thought of apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances. Acclamation means a loud shout or other demonstration of welcome, goodwill, or approval. Acclimation means to accustom or become accustomed to a new climate or environment; adapt. Apart means to or at one side, with respect to place, purpose, or function. To make a dent in means to show initial progress; pass an initial stage of (work, thought, solving a problem, etc.) Affect means to pretend. |