Collective Nouns for People
- a board of directors
- a body of men
- a bunch of crooks
- a caravan of gypsies
- a choir of singers
- a company of actors
- a crew of sailors
- a gang of prisoners
- a group of dancers
- a horde of savages
- a line of kings
- a mob of rioters
- a pack of thieves
- a party of friends
- a patrol of policemen
- a posse of policemen
- a staff of employees
- a team of players
- a tribe of natives
- a troop of scouts
- a troupe of artistes
- an illusion of magicians
- a tribe of arabs
- a host of angels
- a crowd of people
- a gang of thieves
- a bench of magistrates
- a band of musicians
- a regiment of soldiers
- a dynasty of kings
- a squad of soldiers
- a choir of singers
- a conference of delegates
- a staff of officials
- a class of students
- a congregation of worshippers
- a troupe of dancers/acrobats
- a house of senators
- a panel of experts
- a team of athletes
- a bevy of ladies
- an audience of listeners
- a syndicate of merchants
- a draught of butlers
- a cohort of guests/visitors
- a lying of pardoners
- a posse of sheriffs
- a class of pupils
- a flock of tourists
- a faculty of teachers
Vocabulary Preparation Series
global $sqlDB;
if (!function_exists('curPageURL2')) {
function curPageURL2()
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return $pageURL;}
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if (in_array($pageURL1, $BOT_AD)) {
echo "
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echo "