Collective Nouns for Animals
- A clutter of spiders
- A barrel of monkeys
- A barren of mules
- A bask of crocodiles
- A battery of barracudas
- A bazaar of guillemots
- A bed of clams/eels/oysters/snakes
- A clan of hyenas
- A bloat of hippos
- An army of ants
- A herd of boars
- A herd of cattle
- A litter of cubs
- A pride of lions
- A troop of monkeys
- A fall of lambs
- A swarm/hive of bees
- A flink of cows
- A swarm of flies
- A bed of cockles
- A caravan of camels
- A flutter of butterflies
- A tower of giraffes
- A yoke of oxen
- A pod of whales
- A kennel of dogs
- A flight of dragons
- A bale of turtles
- A clowder of cats
- A cluster of bees/grasshoppers
- A clutter of cats/starlings
- A colony of ants/beavers/gulls/penguins/rabbits
- A congress of baboons
- A cowardice of curs
- A crash of rhinos
- A cry of hounds
- A culture of bacteria
- A down of hares
- A doylt of swine
- A draught of fish
- A dray of squirrels
- A drift of pig/swine
- A drove of cattle
- An earth of foxes
- A family of otter
- A fesnyng of ferrets
- A field of racehorses
- A float of crocodiles
- A flock of geese/lice/sheep
- A fluther of jellyfish
Vocabulary Preparation Series
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