Analogies: Practice Questions

Take the given analogies test and check your level of preparation in Analogies.
DIRECTIONS for the question 1 to 20: In this question a pair of words given is highlighted. There exists some relationship between the given pair. Choose the correct pair from the given options which has a similar relationship to the highlighted pair.
  1. Gun : Trigger as :
    1. Chair : Arm
    2. Engine : Fuel
    3. Lamp : Switch
    4. Kick : Pain
    5. Mobile : Games
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  3. Wrist : Watch
    1. Buckle : Belt
    2. Shoes : Socks
    3. Neck : Chain
    4. ) Cuff : Cufflinks
  4. Blacksmith : Hammer
    1. Carpenter : saw
    2. Gun : soldier
    3. Merchant : scales
    4. Clerk : files
    1. walk
    2. play
    3. dance
    4. speak
  6. SHED:HAIR::
    1. shear : wool
    2. molt :skin
    3. stimulate : nerve
    4. fracture : bone
    1. collision : automobiles
    2. crosswalk : lights
    3. corner : blocks
    4. ) junction : highways
    1. chant: sing
    2. chatter: talk
    3. carry : lift/li>
    4. sleep : drowse
    1. banner: flagpole
    2. towel : rack
    3. pillow: bending
    4. apron: clothing
    1. prolific : completion
    2. latent : characteristic
    3. likely : probability
    4. embryonic : maturity
    1. obvious : evidence
    2. humble : belief
    3. nondescript: classification
    4. momentary : fame
  12. breeze : Cyclone : : drizzle: ?
    1. downpour
    2. Damage
    3. Accident
    4. Earthquake
  13. SEETHE : ANGER : :
    1. chortle : distress
    2. snarl : confusion
    3. fidget : uneasiness
    4. waddle : embarrassment
    1. nomad: dissipation
    2. miser: affluence
    3. zealot: fanaticism
    4. renegade: loyalty
  15. NUANCE : SUBTLE ::?
    1. Pun : Sarcastic
    2. Fib : Honest
    3. Inquiry : Discreet
    4. Hint : Indirect
  16. BROOK : RIVER ::?
    1. vein : artery
    2. path : highway
    3. yard : alley
    4. pen : paper
    1. prophet : rule
    2. prodigal : squander
    3. profiteer : consume
    4. profligate : demand
  18. TALLY : VOTES : :
    1. census : population
    2. government : laws
    3. taxation : revenue
    4. team : athletes
    1. arbour: bower
    2. garden: flower
    3. mountain: valley
    4. constellation: star
    1. anticipation : reminiscence
    2. provocation : exasperation
    3. congratulation : consultation
    4. optimism : despair
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    1. anxiety : fear
    2. provocation : instigation
    3. perjury : corruption
    4. peccadillo : sin
Answers & Explanations
1 Trigger is a type of button or switch to shoot the gun as switch is there to light the lamp. Kick : pain bears the reverse order. Thus, option C is correct.
2 Wrist is a body part and watch is worn around it. Similarly neck is also a body part around which chain is worn
3 An instrument that utilizes person's energy has been given in the question. Now, while eliminating options, option 2 has been written in reverse order while option 3 & 4 do not talk about an instrument which uses person's energy to a lesser extent.
4 Scribble means to write indistinctly similarly Stammering is to speak indistinctly
5 As the HAIR SHEDS likewise the SKIN MOLTS. The meaning of the word 'molt' means to shed periodically part or all of a coat or an outer covering, such as feathers, cuticle, or skin, which is then replaced by a new growth
6 The point where STREETS meet is called intersection. Similarly the intersection of HIGWAYS is called JUNCTION
7 Scurry means to move quickly and chatter means to talk rapidly. So, option 2 is correct.
8 Drop cloth is used to protect furniture just as an apron is worn to protect clothing
9 Nascent and embryonic mean early stages and fruitition and maturity denote final or result stage
10 Amorphous is something that lacks shape, similarly non descript lacks classificatio
11 'downpour' as the given analogy is of varying intensity.
12 Analogy of degree-Higher to lower. Seethe is a more intense form of anger just as fidget of uneasiness.
13 An ascetic is a person who adopts self denial of worldly pleasures and similarly zealot and fanatic are synonyms
14 Nuance is subtle whereas hint is indirect. A pun is not always sarcastic and a fib,which is a lie,can never be honest. An inquiry need not necessarily be discreet nor does a clue have to be mysterious. Therefore, hint is correct. Option D is appropiate
15 Brook is a natural freshwater stream smaller than a river, path a road or way, esp a narrow trodden track, whereas a highway is a main public road, especially one connecting towns and cities.
16 Proctor is a person who supervises and prodigal is a person who squanders/spend wastefully. So,option 2 is correct....profligate means someone who is recklessly extravagant
17 A collection of votes is Tally just as a collection of athletes is team.
18 Archipelago is a group of islands; constellation is a group of stars
19 Presentiment is premonition before an incident and hindsight is perception after occurrence of an event. Similarly, Anticipation takes place before and reminiscence after an event has occurred
20 Admonishment –castigation are synonyms but with a difference of degree. An admonishment is a mild rebuke, a castigation a severe one. In the same way, a peccadillo is a minor sin
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