How to Improve your Score in Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning questions appear in the form of paragraphs, which are filled with information. The paragraphs are generally followed by a set of questions, which are to be answered on the basis of the information provided. Since, there is no fixed syllabus for Logical Reasoning questions, so it makes it difficult for the aspirants to structure their study plan and maximize their scores in this section.
Tips to tackle Logical Reasoning based questions

Let us learn some tips to tackle logical reasoning based questions effectively.

  • Read the information provided thoroughly:
    Do remember, any minute detail provided in the given information, if missed, may lead to errors. Read each and every line carefully. The array of information should be noted down concisely while attempting logical reasoning. Don't jump to solve the question instantly.
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  • Pay close attention to keywords
    There are a few keywords that can completely change the meaning of a statement. Some words that should be paid attention to are: all, some, none, other than, only, unless, if and only if, and some prefixes like non-, un-, dis- etc
  • Do not judge or make assumptions
    Try to limit yourself to finding only the required answers and nothing more. Avoid making any unwarranted assumptions. Even if a topic is familiar to you or the information provided is opposite to a fact you know already, you should not use any information that is not provided in the question. Always remember, you are required to work within the given parameters.
  • Eliminate irrelevant words or sentences
    A logical reasoning question generally gives you a lot of information, but one should only make use of the relevant information and ignore the rest.
  • Diagrammatical Approach
    Try to convert a logical reasoning question into a readable diagram/ flowchart. In simple terms, try to organize the information in a schematic manner by using tables, symbols and diagrams. This minimizes the work involved and helps you solve a different set of questions based on one main problem.
  • Check the choices before you start solving
    Before solving the problem, go through the options given. This will help you to know which form your own solution will take and can also assist you in solving, if you are not able to understand where to start.
  • Use the choice elimination method
    Eliminate choices that are completely off the mark, or can be ruled out easily. In this process, the choice may be reduced to just two options. Therefore, now the probability of choosing the correct answer increases to 50%.
  • Read all choices carefully before finally answering
    Before marking your answer, all choices should be glanced through rather than focusing only on the one which you find to be correct. This is because there might be two options that are very close.
  • Detach yourself at the right time
    Do not become obsessed with problems that you cannot solve. Getting upset over a problem makes you lose valuable time. You may actually be on the wrong track altogether. Instead of lingering over a problem; you can come back to it later on if you have time. It is advised to develop the skills to understand and realize whether it would be worth spending much time to solve a question or leave it. However, if you have a strong feeling that you can solve it, you may proceed judiciously, even if you may need an additional minute or two of your valuable time during mock and actual test.
  • Spend less time on easy questions
    One should avoid spending more time on easy questions by checking and rechecking the selected option. Instead, that extra time should be spent on solving difficult questions present in the paper.
  • Practice & Practice
    Its cliched, but still it is very important than anything else. Puzzle-solving is a skill, and the more you start enjoying logic puzzles, the better you will get at them.
Improving score in Logical Reasoning: Key Learning
  • Work on your identified weak areas in logical reasoning to become comfortable with them
  • While preparing for any competitive exam especially for a logical reasoning section, choose variety over quantum. Concentrate on familiarizing yourself with a wide range of problems. Solve questions with various Levels of Difficulty.
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  • You should solve around 5 sets of logical reasoning questions each day to get a hold of them and also try to solve these problems under time pressure. This will also help you in time management and will also improve your accuracy.

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