Data interpretation: Solved Examples

Directions for questions 1 to 3:  Refer to the following information regarding  data interpretation questions and answer them accordingly :
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A factory employs three machines M1, M2 and M3 to manufacture three products X, Y and Z. Each machine runs for 12 hours a day. The following table gives the time taken (in minutes) by each machine to manufacture 1 unit of each of the products.
  M1 M2 M3
X 12 15 16
Y 18 9 15
Z 10 18 12
Ex.1 What is the maximum number of products that can be manufactured in a day?
1. 125
2. 155
3. 200
4. 212
Ex.2 On a particular day, the demand for 40 units of X and 50 units of Y must be met. If the remaining production is of product Z only, what is the maximum number of units of Z that can be manufactured on that day?
1. 81
2. 85
3. 99
4. None of these
Ex.3 A unit of Y can be manufactured only after 3 units of X and 4 units of Z have been manufactured. What is the minimum time required to manufacture 15 units of Y?
1. 1359 minutes
2. 1442 minutes
3. 1556 minutes
4. 1655 minutes
Directions for questions 4 to 8: The following diagram shows the percentage share of manufacturing sector in total employment in small, medium and large establishments individually. The definitions of small, large and medium establishments are shown below in the diagram
Data interpretation: Solved Examples
Note: Small establishments are defined as those with fewer than 100 employees. Medium-sized establishments are defined as those with between 100 and 1500 employees. Large establishments are defined as those with more than 1500 employees. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions given below:
Ex.4 In 1981 and 1987 about 50 million and 60 million people were employed in small establishments. What was the difference between the no. of employees employed in manufacturing sector small establishments in 1981 and 1987?
1. 4.6 million
2. 13.5 million
3. 5 million
4. 6.3 million
Ex.5 In 1981 about 30 million employees were there in the large establishment. Then how many employees were there in the medium-sized establishments? (Approximately)
1. 25 m
2. 40 m
3. 35 m
4. Can't be determined
Ex.6 In 1987, about 40 million employees were there in the large establishments. The population of employees from 1987 to 2000 grew by 60% in large establishments. How many employees were there in the manufacturing sector in large establishments in 2000?
1. 33.2 m
2. 69.3 m
3. 19.2 m
4. 47.2 m
Ex.7 Suppose that in 1996, there were 100,000 employees in manufacturing sector. There were 750 small establishments. What was the average number of employed persons per small establishment manufacturing unit?
1. 36
2. 41
3. 56
4. Can't be determined
Ex.8 Which of the following is/are correct?
I. Share of manufacturing employment in small establishment is rising steadily.
II. In large establishments there is growing unemployment.
1. I only
2. II only
3. I and II
4. Neither I nor II
Directions for questions 9 to 11: Refer to the graph given below and answer the questions given after that accordingly.
The graph given shows price variation of three types of wood over 1987 – 1993 in Rs/m3. 1 ton = 1000 kg and 1m3 = 800 kg.
Data interpretation: Solved Examples
Ex.9 Maximum increase in price/ m3 for any product for any two consecutive years was in which of the products?
1. P
2. ST
3. L
4. None of these
Ex.10 In 1993, a company's total sales was made of 40% of P, 30% of ST and 30% of L. The average realization per m3 in 1993 was:
1. Rs. 8121
2. Rs. 7211
3. Rs. 6567
4. None of these
Ex.11 Which of the following has shown maximum %age change in its value over any two consecutive years?
1. ST
2. P
3. L
4. None of these
Directions for questions 12 to 13: The table given below provides the number of households in a country during the period 1970 to 1990. The pie-chart gives the distribution of households based on the number of children for the years 1970 and 1990.
Data interpretation: Solved Examples
Year No. of households (millions)
1970 120
1972 123
1974 126
1976 129
1978 132
1980 135
1982 140
1984 145
1986 150
1988 155
1990 160
Ex.12 How many households were without any children in 1990 if it is given that the average number of children per household in 1990 was 3?
1. 24 million
2. 64 million
3. 14 million
4. Cannot be determined
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Ex.13 According to the above pie graphs, In 1970 the average number of children per household in 1970 was
1. 1.18
2. 1.35
3. 2.0
4. Cannot be determined
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